The wait is over. You will now have access to 12 weeks of muscular growth for functional fitness athletes, if you can complete both 6 week blocks. I say if, for a reason. This programming has proven to be particularly difficult, and you should feel proud if you are able to complete it as prescribed. Keep reading if you want 6 more weeks of programming that will culminate in new strength gains, and WOD PRs.
Before you get started on this, the second block of the muscular endurance cycle, I recommend you start with part one. The program was designed to be a 12 week cycle that begins by increasing your muscular endurance, and ability to handle heavy weights for high reps.
If you missed the full 12 Week Premium Version of the Muscular Growth Program, then check it out!
This final 6 weeks takes that ability and converts it into maximal strength. By the end, you get a chance to test your one rep max strength, as well as your stamina on some benchmark WODs. Without further ado, here is part two.
Week 7
This week has some very challenging strength work, with shorter more intense WODs. Check it out.

Our strength work is for the most part done with a 3 second pause. Pause work is great for strength development, and it allows you to really fatigue muscle fibers you don’t normally reach.
The running WODs will now shift to 150m intervals, which is just long enough to make you fight through serious leg fatigue towards the end of the interval. There are also going to be WODs in each week that penalize you for doing small sets. In this week it’s 50 kb swings. Learning to do big sets is much more mental than physical.
To prove my point about big sets, just ask yourself if you could squeeze out a few more reps if I were to give you a million dollars? I bet you would. So really you are stopping because you’re mentally giving in. Don’t do that.
Week 8
This week is the first time in nearly two months where the strength work actually decreases in reps. This means you need to be aggressive with your weight selections. No easy sets!

You will also see that I have tried to vary the WODs for a couple of reasons. Monday’s WOD rewards those who can select the fastest method to complete the bodyweight moves. So think strategery here.
We have also continued with WODs that reward doing big sets because, mental toughness bro.
If you want to get more free programming sent right to your inbox, click here to join the Tier Three Team. . If you don’t, I’ll assume that you are too busy oiling your mullet.
Week 9
This week will be the heaviest week for strength training. Again, be aggressive in your weight selections. I’m fine with you needing a spot or having to dump a weight every now and again. Pushing to your max is much more preferable than never getting close.

Even a casual glance at these WODs will show you that these are going to be rough. You will probably be pretty sore for most of this week, and I wouldn’t expect you to feel great.
You need to focus on your recovery here. This isn’t the week to try fasting, or 3 hours of sleep a night. Just hang in there, because next week will bring a reprieve.
Week 10
This week is your deload prior to your strength testing weeks. Many functional athletes will look at these workouts and think they are easy, which they are, compared to previous weeks, but that is to allow your body to recover, and prepare for 1 rep maxes.

The strength work is to be done as fast as possible. This is speed work! The WODs also incorporate more plyometric moves to help your body practice firing your muscle fibers quickly, in a synchronized manner.
Resist the urge to add in other workouts, because you will really sabotage your testing next week.
Week 11
This week begins your 1 rep maxes. These will require a smart warm up, and I don’t recommend you take more than 3-4 attempts at any lift. Generally, you should start near your old max, then plan a small PR, and then a big PR. If you feel great try a fourth lift.

These WODs are put in this order to try and avoid interference with the strength testing. This isn’t to say that you won’t be sore at all for your 1 RM, but that doesn’t matter. I would imagine, if you look back on your lifting career, some of your best PR’s came when you weren’t completely fresh and rested.
You also need to be very careful on the 100m test. Sprinting can cause hamstring injuries if you don’t really warm them up. I recommend doing a few practice 100m runs at 70%, then 80%, then resting before your max attempt. When in doubt, keep it to 95%, if you aren’t feeling that great.
Week 12
This week is the final week. Here we are focusing on testing our 1 RM’s on olympic related lifts. We are relying on strength for our PRs, not super efficient technique. This is to say that you need to use the best technique that you have, but any PRs here aren’t because you’ve been honing your lifts, but getting hella strong.

The WODs are also a chance to test the most important aspect of our fitness for athletes, our WOD times. Sure strength numbers are sweet, but if that doesn’t translate into increased WOD performance, then what’s the point?
Final Thoughts
This programming is tough, and high volume. I’ll be honest here, when I walk into my gym, which is currently doing this programming, and see what I programmed on the board, I sometimes wonder what idiot came up with that.
That feeling is key for improvement. If you aren’t somewhat daunted by what you see on the whiteboard, then I think you need to get your ass a thigh master, because this isn’t for you. For those that do get through this, hats off to you. As always keep training, and post your questions and comments below.
It’s not too late to learn how to take your fitness to the next level…
The opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity. This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
You have really good stuff. Would you be open to designing custom workouts? I would like to find a program that has a good mix/balance of strength, metabolic conditioning, aerobic conditioning, sprints/HIIT, and mobility and stretching. I’m limited to about an hour to an hour and ten minutes of workout time Monday to Friday at lunch. I may be able to squeeze something in Saturday morning. I want something that tells me exactly what to do on what days. My main goals are getting stronger and leaner, which i know are competing goals, and increasing bench max and pull up max reps. I’ve bought some programs from End of Three Fitness, and I’ve been checking out Mountain Tactical, but both are lacking in aerobic conditioning. What do you think?
Yes. I would be willing to write a custom program for you. I’ve got a couple different levels I can do. The first is a simple program with daily workouts, or I can do that plus provide nutrition coaching, and lastly I can add in consults as needed. I’ll email you can we can chat further.
I’d be interested in something like this as well. I made it through this program once as a new cross-fitter (and retiring Marine) and hit personal bests in every lift. This 12 week program was awesome, and I had a great guy showing me how to do all the lifts as I had never done any Olympic lifting and wasn’t an avid crossfitter. Any help I could get to keep going with my gains and health would be great! I also have a few health conditions I am concerned about so would like to see if there’s anything you could build for me. Thanks!
Semper Fi Matt,
Good to hear that you had a lot of success with the program. I do offer custom programs for a small fee for people that have specific goals or issues they want addressed. Shoot me an email at with the details and we’ll get it figured out.
So excited to start phase two! Quick question- I don’t have muscle ups yet- any recommendations on how to scale Monday’s WOD?
Thanks again for this programming- my coach and I have been doing it consistently and we’re both really enjoying it!
If you have pull ups then do the hardest version you have, ie Chest to bar is harder than regular kipping. Try two to one pull ups to 1 muscle up. If you aren’t there yet. Try 3 to 1 ring rows. Don’t be afraid to keep posting questions and your results.
wondering for Thursday, week 1, the 50 KBS / 400m run – is that russian or american KBS? Thanks so much!! We are “enjoying” the gains already from this program!
72 Pounds or 2 pood for men
Thank, and sorry for the duplicate question. My auto correct changed it to pounds, i meant to ask if what type of swing – American (overhead) or russian (eye level). Thanks agajn!
Oh no worries. If you don’t have any shoulder issues you should default to america swings.
Hi, wondering for Thursday week 1, is it Russian or American LBS? Thanks!!
Thats in pounds or 2 pood for men.
I assume that the bench press pause is on the chest for three seconds and the squat pause is at the very bottom?
Yep. You are correct.
Hey- I have another question for you! I have a labrum tear which has actually been fine throughout all of this- definitely getting stronger overhead and with beach/push-ups so thank you for that! My only limitations are that I cannot do overhead squats or snatches. What are your recommendations for a sub for Friday’s wod? Was thinking maybe thrusters?
Also, if you have any ideas on what I can sub these out for during week 12, I would appreciate that, too. Thanks again!
It’s great to hear your labrum is getting stronger. The real measure of an athlete is their attitude when they are recovering from injury. There are a couple of options for scaling power snatches. You can go heavier and do power cleans. I normally think that a 95 power snatch is a 135 power clean. If you want to work the snatch movement as much as possible you can do snatch pulls with the same conversion in weight. Just pull to about chest height. For week 12 you could try a 1 rm hang clean or hang power clean. Up to you. Hope this helps. Keep at it.
Can’t see week 7. Anyone else having issues?
I checked on my phone, and computer. Looks ok to me. Let me know if you keep having issues.
How does this Tabata work? For Tuesday week 7?
You have a running clock where you can only work for 20 sec then rest for 10 sec. This cycle will continue until you are done with all 40 reps. Hope this helps
Ok thanks! That helps. Love the programming btw! The WODS are great.
Finishing week 8 and WOW! loving it. have some incredible gains with this program-particularly since the beginning of week 7. thank you for sharing with us all.
do you have a program you have available for us after this?
Hi, just found your site – loving the content and I need some structure and focus to my training.
I am 1 year experienced but strength is not great. Back squat 120kg, clean 80, C&J 60, still working on pull ups but I can handstand push up.
So, how can I, or should I, integrate a strength programme like this with my box’s programming?
I feel I need more than what I am getting to develop my strength but is this & 5-6 days of WODs too much??
Can you send me a link to the pdf??
Thanks for the kind words Dave. I’m working on making PDF’s of my programs so that will be happening in the near future. The first thing I always ask in these situations, is the programing you’re currently doing helping you increase in strength? If that’s your goal, and you are making gains, keep doing it until you plateau.
Ideally you’d pick one program as doing your boxes and mine will be way to much. If you really want to combine them, I’d do the three day a week Strong Lifts program, and your box’s WODs. This won’t be ideal because there’s no coordination between the wods and the lifting like my program, but it could be doable. I can also recommend the other programming on on Stronglifts, so definitely check their site out. Let me know if you any other questions.
Great info and look like a great program, however what if you can only do 2-3 day’s of working out a week, could I just split your 1 week into 2 weeks or would you advise to ‘skip’ some days of the program but move on from week to week.
I think you’d bee fine to split it into two weeks. Just do the workouts sequentially when you are able.
Hey Jake,
I want to start with your 12 week programme. I was wondering about the strenght work. Is 1 exercise for 1 muscle group enough for muscular growth or is it possible to do some accessory exercises?
Hey, I have a question about the WoD on tuesday week 8 (death by C&J). Does it have to be squat clean, or I should power it, mainly asking because if you get to later rounds one min might not be enough for completing squat cleans, even if you have the power for it?
I am enjoying a lot the programming! Cheers from Bulgaria!
First Bulgarian comment! And yes this is full squat cleans. Part of the goal for this WOD is to force a quick cycle/reset time for the full version. Have fun.
Hello there just one question..the deload week is it 3 reps x 10 sets or contrary??
That’s ten sets of 3 reps
Thank you 🙂
How do I contact you for talk about coaching?
Sending you an email.
I love the program! I was wondering if maybe You could email me sometime and we could talk about a specific program for myself for a small fee. Love crossfit and everything it stands for. I am currently in PT school so this is putting me in great shape for clinicals and such!
Will be sending an email shortly. Glad the programs are working well for you!
Hi Jake, thanks again for posting these great programs as well as all the informational and statistic gathering articles (fitness, equipment, concealed carry stats. etc.). I appreciate what you have done here for people like me.
I have a question about Week 7, Thursday. Specifically, the pause below the knee on the deadlift: should the pause be done while coming down with the weight or rising up with it?
Thanks for the kind words Matt. The pause is on the way up. Keep us posted how the programs goes for you.
Hi jake,
After I completed the 12 week muscular growth, what is the next program I should hit?
Good Job Matt. I would recommend you follow the order in this article.
Jake, we are loving this program! Just finishing up the first six weeks and looking forward to finishing the second part. Is there anywhere that you have PDFs available for the programs you have created? I prefer to print off what I am doing and would also love to be able to print the 72 week program so we can continue with that after we are done with this one. I am subscribed to the emails, but haven’t seen one with the PDFs. Thank you!
Thanks for the kind words Carla. I don’t plan on making a PDF for the this program at this point. Most of the other programs do have PDFs however.
Hi all..
My thoughts…
First, I’m not a muscular guy, I love to be fit and I don’t mind to do 3 WODS a day. I must admit that my nutrition is not the best. My ultimate target is to reach 10% body fat, currently I’m at 15%. I’m in this field from 2 years.
Tomorrow I will start the final week, I noticed so much improvement in my performance regards to weight lifting and fitness overall. In Week11, I had 5 new PR’s. The improvement was an easy 45 lb added to the barbell.
Thanks for such a program, I already bought “The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid
Can’t wait to start.
M Shehab
Hi there — loving this program so far!! Question, I’m on week 11 and def want to maintain the strength I’ve built between this program and the 10 WEEK functional power building I did before this.
I’m thinking I’ll do this by a 3/2 split (3 weightlifting days and 2 strict CrossFit). Do you have a program that would incorporate this or should I look elsewhere?
Hi Bethany. I don’t have a specific program like this but I do have a general strength program that might be of interest. If you’re looking more oly specific I would find a good specific program for that and probably add in some additional training onto that core program. Feel free to use whatever you want from here to help!
Hey Jake, just wanted to say, I’ve been following your site for a few months now but have been going through some health issues so haven’t been able to begin a program, coming around now though and can’t wait to get started, you have some amazing content and programs here, thanks for all you offer us, much appreciated!
Thanks for the kind words Rusty. Best of luck getting back after it.