As I continue to build my SR 762 from Ruger (.308) I decided to acquire a chest rig (see the first article in the build series
here). I have a plate carrier already (which this rig can attach to), but I wanted something lightweight I could use while
hunting with this platform (WA a .308 is good for all big game). After talking to some buddies, stopping at stores, and doing some research I ended up going with the Disruptive Environments 762 Heavy Chest Rig (D3CR-H). This isn’t the first time you will hear the name Haley Strategic at the Loadout Room, and it wont be the last (check out the D3CR
The Disruptive Environments 7.62 Heavy Chest Rig is designed to be worn stand-alone, or attached to a plate carrier. As I mentioned, I wanted this rig for its stand-alone setup. When used as a stand-alone this rig is extremely low-profile, and lightweight. The kit is a simple design: 4 x .308 pouches, 2 x multi-mission pouches, 2 x utility pouched, mounted on an H-harness with quick-releases for easy of use.

Read the rest of the review here. If you’d like to get one for yourself click here to get the best price (Amazon Affiliate Link).