I know, you took a look at the 12 Week Free Bodybuilding Program and thought it was too easy. You’re a glutton for punishment, and want to add in some WODs to that already very high volume program. Well, your wish is my command. This is the second supplement to the 12 Week Free Bodybuilding Program. Keep reading to see 20 more WODs for bodybuilding.
As I alluded to above, this program is very high volume, and was originally written as a pure bodybuilding program. However, I found that I wanted some quick WODs to do after all the bodybuilding work. I’ve already written the first 20 WODs for bodybuilding supplement, and I would recommend checking them out if you haven’t already. You don’t want to start in the middle of this program. Let’s go over who should be doing this bodybuilding program, with the 20 WODs for bodybuilding supplement.
Who Should Do Bodybuilding WODs?
- Athletes that need to build muscle mass primarily
- Functional Fitness athletes who are in their off season
- Bodybuilders who don’t want to do traditional cardio
- Athletes who plan on doing a follow on strength cycle
If you do the base bodybuilding program, the goal is obviously to build muscle mass, without gaining unwanted fat. If you’re adding in this WOD supplement I would still say this program would be 90% aimed at building muscle mass. You don’t get a free lunch, and adding in extra endurance training will take some of your resources to recover from. This program, with the WODs, isn’t a good idea for newer athletes.
If you want a program that’s very similar to this, but doesn’t have a crazy amount of volume. I would recommend checking out my most popular program, the 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program. It’s still heavily biased towards building muscle mass, but it has less lifting than this program does. Let’s cover the ground rules for this program.
If you want to check out the premium version of my 8 week program, with all the coaches notes, precentages, and more, here it is.
20 WODs for Bodybuilding Performance Guidelines
I found that each of the 12 Week Free Bodybuilding Program sessions take me around 45-60 minutes. I tend to be less fatigued on the upper body days, compared to the lower body days. This is because the amount of absolute work you’re doing for heavy lower body lifts, is far greater than upper body work. Here are some quick guidelines for this program.
- Only attempt this program if you have at least one year of hard training in the gym
- You can do the 20 WOD Supplement right after the lifting or in a separate session
- Expect lower WOD performance due to the volume of lifts
- You can try drinking a Gatorade or a sports drink to maintain energy throughout the session
I prefer to do all my work in one session. I rarely do two a day programs. I’ve found that after my last set of lifting, I make myself rest 10 minutes with no warm up sets, or any preparation for the WOD. You can still move around or do some light stretches, but you can’t start warming up your WOD movements yet. After this rest period, you can start your WOD specific warm up. This would be something like practicing the lifts or movements, so you don’t go into them cold during the WOD.
You need to understand that your WOD performance will not be super high. If you’re doing the bodybuilding lifts with the appropriate intensity, you won’t be 100% fresh for the WOD. That’s to be expected. I’ve found that drinking a drink with a bit of carbohydrate can help your WOD performance, after all of the lifting. Next, we should take a look at the WODs.
20 WODs for Bodybuilding: WODs 21-40 [Part 2]
You should recall that each WOD is labelled so that it corresponds with the session from the 12 Week Free Bodybuilding Program. Part two of this supplement starts with WOD 21 which matches session 21 from the bodybuilding program. I have included the previous 20 WODs on the same PDF, so don’t mistakenly start on session 1!
You’ll note that some days I’ve chosen movements that use the same muscle as the lifts, and other days I’ve chosen different movements. I’ve done this so you get enough volume per muscle group, without over training.

Astute readers of this programming will notice that I haven’t included any super long WODs. To be perfectly honest, you aren’t likely to have the energy reserves for that kind of WOD, and you don’t need it to build muscle mass.
Most of these WODs are going to fall into the 5-10 minute range, with the occasional foray out to 12 minutes or so. If you find that you’re taking longer than this, then I recommend scaling your WODs down. Read this article where I discuss the proper way to scale your WODs.
The goal for these workouts is to keep the intensity very high, and really hammer your metabolic conditioning. I’ve done this because metabolic stress is one of the three primary drivers of building muscle. You don’t need a huge long WOD to build metabolic stress. Just ask anyone who’s ever done Fran!
If you don’t want to miss out on the rest of this program sign up here and we’ll email them directly to you once they’re released. As a bonus, I’ll send you our strength training, and fat loss guides!
Building Muscle Mass with WODs
This WOD supplement is only going to work if you can recover from the amount of lifting and WOD volume that I’ve written. If you find that you’re extremely tired, and sore all the time, you may need to modify the program. Or you might find that the 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program, is a better fit.
The easiest way to modify this program is to add in an extra rest day. I do this all the time and it works very well. We all have a lot of demands on our time, and sometimes we just don’t have time to devote to training and recovery. If your schedule is killing you, and you haven’t slept well, take an extra day or two off.
You aren’t going to ruin the entire program if you add in some extra rest. I’m counting on you not to do this every time your legs get sore. Otherwise you’ll be taking quite a few breaks! Use extra rest days judiciously, but don’t be afraid of them.
You can also try eating a little more. I know, this sounds crazy, but if you do more work in the gym, you need more food to repair the damage caused to your body from training. I recommend checking out my nutrition calculator, and using the muscle gain tab. It will give you a great starting point for your macros, and calories.
If you like this kind of program, but want to work on building equal parts muscle and conditioning, then check my 12 week program out.
Final Thoughts
If you think this program, and the 20 WODs for bodybuilding supplement sounds right for you then give it a shot. It’s ok if you have to make some modification to movements, or move workouts around for scheduling reasons. Athletes always overestimate how important a particular session is, and underestimate how much consistent long term effort truly matters.
If you have any questions about this program, put them in the comments section below, and I’ll get you an answer. Now get out there and get training!
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