Yes you read that right. This is a full year’s worth of workouts. These workouts are designed to add muscle mass while improving your WOD times. Keep reading if you want to see all the details of this bodybuilding program for functional fitness athletes.
I get asked a lot of questions from athletes, enquiring about which program they should do to gain muscle mass, or which order they should complete my programs in. This article is aimed at clarifying those particular issues for athletes that want to gain muscle mass. Check out the program goals below.
52 Week Bodybuilding Program Goals
- Gain Muscle Mass
- Increase Strength in Compound Lifts
- Improve WOD and Metcon Performance
It should be clear at this point that this program will add muscle to your frame, but I also expect most intermediate and advanced athletes to gain strength as well. Will you gain as much strength as you would in a dedicated strength program? Probably not, but remember you can’t have a program that does everything. Pick your battles!
While most days will have a metabolic conditioning session, or a WOD, these pieces are not always the focus of the program. You’ll see as we move through the various cycles that some weeks put more emphasis on conditioning and WOD performance, and others emphasize lifting. Without further ado, let’s get into the first cycle of the program!
The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
This is by far my most popular program for building muscle. There are three parts, lasting a total of 24 weeks. This program is designed to be roughly double the volume of a normal program you’d see in most boxes. It is also programmed with four days per week of work, and three days of rest.
The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program (Part 1)
The first couple of weeks of this portion are designed to ease you into this style of training. You’ll find that most sessions have multiple compound lifts, as well as accessory work. Most days will also incorporate a metcon or WOD. Here is a sample week from this portion of the program. Click the link below for full details.
8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program (Part 1)

This program is full access for most of the 8 weeks. There are two weeks that require purchasing the premium program, which includes detailed coaching notes on all lifts, nutrition advice, and much more guidance in general. If you want to purchase it you can do so below. If you don’t, that’s fine. You can still do the majority of the program and move on. As of this writing there are no other programs in the 52 week plan that require any purchases.
The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program (Part 2)
I find that after about 8 weeks of hard work, most athletes need a change of pace. This part of the training program switches the rep ranges, movements, and accessory work to make sure you keep making progress. Here is the first week in part 2. Click the link below for full details.
8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program (Part 2)

There will be a premium version of this program at some point, however this is currently totally free so enjoy it while it lasts! This part will also last for 8 weeks in total.
The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program (Part 3)
This is the last portion of the functional bodybuilding hybrid series, and by now you are probably having trouble fitting through doors, and children probably ask you to autograph their Hulk figurines. Click the link below for full details.
8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program (Part 3)

This program is designed to continue building muscle mass, but we are starting to emphasize more traditional elements of functional fitness programming. There are more olympic lifts and a little heavier focus on the WODs.
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6 Weeks of Muscular Growth for Functional Fitness Athletes
This program is different from the previous cycles. It is much more traditional, but it does include at least two lifts prior to the WOD. Use this program to really focus on your metabolic conditioning. It’s important to remember that even while gaining muscle, we can’t neglect our core competencies in functional fitness.
6 Weeks of Muscular Growth for Functional Fitness Athletes (Part 1)
You’ll notice there is a sprint day thrown in this cycle. These are great for athletes as they really rev up the metabolism. Make sure you aren’t running full speed as you are very likely to pull a hamstring. Full speed sprints are like 1 rep maxes. You don’t just try a one rep max without weeks of work building up to it. Click on the link below for full details.
6 Weeks of Muscular Growth for Functional Fitness Athletes (Part 1)

6 Weeks of Muscular Growth for Functional Fitness Athletes (Part 2)
During this portion of the cycle, we make a few adjustments to keep you from falling into a rut. We also add in some tempo training which is an undervalued tool that can really build a lot of mass. Tempo work also has the added benefit of really cleaning up your lifting technique. Click on the link below for full details.
6 Weeks of Muscular Growth for Functional Fitness Athletes (Part 2)

The 12 Week Metabolic Strength Program
This is our last portion of the 52 Week Bodybuilding Program for Functional Athletes. I ran this program with my home gym, and I had several athletes set strength PRs about half way through, and make incredible progress by the end. This program will do a great job of using the muscle mass you’ve built to increase your overall strength.
The 12 Week Metabolic Strength Program (Part 1)
The first week of this program is our testing phase, where we test some strength numbers, as well as bench mark metcons we hope to improve over this 12 week cycle. Click the link below for full details.
12 Week Metabolic Strength Program (Part 1)

You’ll notice that there is a long metcon in the middle of the week and there is a partner WOD at the end of the week. If you want to do the partner WOD with a friend, then I recommend replacing that session with the session you would find easiest during the week.
The 12 Week Metabolic Strength Program (Part 2)
This is the last six weeks of the 52 week plan. It is designed to get you ready for peak performance, and you should be setting some huge new strength personal records. You should also set PRs in those WODs we tested all the way back in week one of this program. Click on the link below for full details.
12 Week Metabolic Strength Program (Part 2)

Final Thoughts
This sequence of programming is ideal for someone who is in their intermediate phase of their functional fitness journey. These types of athletes need to put some mass on their frames, and build the technical efficiency in these lifts.
If you complete this full program I would recommend switching your programming to something a bit different. Choose a current weakness of yours and really attack it. You’ll find that your performance improves not by reinforcing your strengths, but by shoring up your weak points. Now get our there and start training!
If you want to learn how I create these programs then pick up my other ebook!
The opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity.This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
Hello. I’ve been receiving your emails and keep trying to follow your workouts but I’ve had to deal with prostate cancer along with 2 bad shoulders that keep knocking me off track. I’m currently on an injection of Lupron which is wiping me out and scheduled for radiation in the fall. I’m 50 and not ready to give up. Could you recommend a workout to help maintain strength and energy. I’d also like to buy your book but keep getting redirected on your website. Reason for all this is that I’m a Chicago Police Detective and need to keep my strength up or they’ll put me on disability. Hope you can help and thanks for your emails. They’ve been great. Mickey.
Hey Michael I’m going to email you so keep an eye on your inbox.
Would this program be good someone who has majorly fallen of the workout train and wants to get back into it. I was put on 1 year active duty orders and would like to use this time to get back into shape so would this programming help with losing body fat as well as gaining strength?
I would try this program first. If it works out well then transition to the 52 week programming sequence.
Hello, I wasn’t totally sure where to reach out with my questions! I subscribed to your page though and will try to ask the question there as well too.
First off you have a ton of great information/programming for free and very inexpensive prices.
I am real interested in your 12 week muscular growth program for functional fitness athletes as well as your 8 week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Programs.
I wanted to know:
If it was possible to scale the 12 week muscular growth program and the 2nd hybrid program to 4 days?
Can they all be done in a home or normal gym? (I have access to most things except CrossFit specific machines like air bike or ski machine)
what would you say is the main difference in the hybrid bodybuilding program vs the muscular growth program? What order or sequencing would you recommend them?
And lastly I know there are coach’s notes as well as some nutrionial information. Are there any workout tracker sheets included as well? We have access to what we purchase forever or for a period of time?
Sorry for all of the questions! But highly looking at purchasing several of your programs.
Answered in your email. Good luck!