The off season is officially over, and it’s time to get back to some serious training. Don’t make the mistake of working out without a well thought out plan. This is a 6 week high volume plan, designed to increase muscle mass, and muscular endurance, two deficiencies common in almost all functional fitness athletes.
This is the first part the 12 week program. After completing these 6 weeks you will be more muscular, and your ability to handle heavy weights for high reps will be at an all time high.
I, like many athletes out there, have kind of just been doing a few workouts, and relaxing after my competitive season. It’s good to relax in the off season, and try new things, as well as allowing your body to recover from the niggling aches and pains that accumulate over the year.
That time is over now. We need to get back to serious training, if we are to increase our fitness in the coming year. Before we get into the details of this 6 week block, that will kick off our training year, lets first discuss what a training year should look like for those that really want to peak for the open.
The Yearly Training Plan
The plan we will be talking about is very similar to what many strength and conditioning athletes do for their long range plans. This is a year long cycle that prioritizes certain aspects of training, depending on how close we are to the competitive season.

Phase 1
The first phase of training is the hypertrophy/muscular endurance training phase. This is key for those looking to maximize their performance for a variety of reasons. First, increasing muscular size is important to increasing strength, which is a key predictor of athletic performance.
Several exercises that appear in this phase are very grip intensive. I recommend getting some lifting straps, such as these Harbinger padded straps (Amazon Affiliate Link).
These are not like olympic lifting straps, they will lock into the knurling on the bar, and allow you to hold very heavy loads on deadlifts, and rowing movements. I’ve had a pair for about 14 years, and they are very durable.
Phase 2
Here we will focus on getting stronger in both power lifting and olympic lifting, as well as our gymnastics strength. We will also start to incorporate some cardio vascular training.
This block is fairly long because we need to give the body time to generate new tissues that will augment our performance later on in the season. An example of this is when you perform cardio vascular training over several months, your body will actually generate new blood vessels, and capillaries, to fuel your muscles.
Phase 3
Here we work to maintain our strength gains, and shift our focus to anaerobic capacity. Really this means that we will practice working above the level where our circulatory system can sustain, for long durations.
We will be working on the bodies ability to clear cellular waste products from the cells quickly, allowing a high output rate. Those new blood vessels will be key to this process.
We will also add in specific skill work in areas that we are deficient in. This will be variable, but for almost all athletes it will include: olympic lifts, and higher skill gymnastics like, muscle ups and chest to bar pull ups.
If you want the full version of this program, with revised sets, and optimized lifting protocols, then pick up the full 12 weeks below!
Phase 4
This is our competition phase. Here we will do only enough strength work to maintain our hard won gains from the previous months. The only thing that we will continue to work on is our anaerobic capacity. The focus here is the competitive season.
Phase 5
This is the off season which is a time to recover, and relax a bit. I always encourage my athletes to try some new events, a spartan race, or mountain biking, or hiking. Anything active is fine.
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Phase 1: The First 6 Weeks
Now that we know what we will be doing for the year, we can get into the details of the day to day for phase 1.
Week 1

You will notice that the strength work is always two paired movements that don’t interfere with each other. This is by design, because it allows us to work those same muscle groups multiple times each week, allowing for a high total volume. This is also the easiest week. It only gets harder.
The WODs are also designed not to interfere with the strength, and hypertrophy work. The WODs are obviously still important, but the main goal of this phase is to increase muscular size, and muscular endurance.
Week 2

This week increases the volume from 4×8 to 4×10. We’ll continue with our Wednesday sprint workouts as well. These are really thrown in there because I find that most athletes don’t ever run at this pace, and it is a real deficit in their training. Yeah, it won’t show up in the open, but you can’t really say your in shape if you can’t sprint at a decent speed.
Week 3

This is the highest volume week until we switch programming next week to a different hypertrophy method. You will also notice that many of the WODs are a bit longer this week than the previous weeks. This allows you to get a little more volume in than you would otherwise be able to get.
Week 4

You will notice that while we have maintained the same movements, we have changed the execution and reps. The goal here is to achieve a 3 sec eccentric, or lowering phase, for the specified movements.
Lowering a weight increases the time under tension for the movement, which is one key factor to increasing muscle mass. The goal here is good form, and a true 3 second lowering phase. Don’t cheat on these, and don’t be afraid to go a bit lighter to make sure you are doing these moves correctly.
Week 5

You will notice that we’ve added more volume on the strength/hypertrophy work. We’ve also added in some 50 meter sprints after the 100’s. I caution you here not to go as fast as possible, as your hamstrings are probably not ready for that yet, and you could pull them.
Stick to RPE 8 (rate of perceived exertion 8 out of 10 effort) which generally means a hard effort, but not maximal. You will also notice that there are some different WOD styles here than you have seen before. The goal is to switch it up a bit, so you don’t get burnt out doing one type of WOD.
Week 6

This is the final week for the first half of phase 1. This is also the final week for the controlled eccentric portion of the lift. I’m sure you’re probably cursing my name, but don’t worry it gets worse in the coming weeks.
Final Thoughts
You won’t find a plan like this anywhere else on the internet, and there are reasons for that. Most coaches underestimate the need for hypertrophy and muscular endurance in their programing. They see video’s and articles that show top level functional fitness athletes hitting big lifts, and doing a lot of olympic lifting, but they don’t see the work that goes into hitting those big numbers.
Because I’ve taken the time to analyze these top level athletes, I can provide more effective programing, that will help you increase your performance. One thing most coaches don’t understand is that the best athletes have reached their muscular limit. This article shows you the science behind determining muscular potential.
It is also well known that increasing muscle size carries over to increasing strength very well. It has the added benefit of scaring the crap out of your neighbors, when you workout without a shirt on. Give this program a shot, and feel free to post your times, questions, and results, in the comments section below
If you are a total badass and have already finished part 1, you need to move on to part 2 for 6 more weeks of muscular growth for athletes.
If you still have questions, and want to learn even more about fitness check out the ebook!
Get It Here!The opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity. This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
For the AHAP movements, say its 4×8, are all four sets at the same weight?
Yeah, ideally they should be the heaviest weight you can manage for all 4 sets. But, if you’re having an off day you can go down for a set if you need, and conversely if you feel great you can increase. The goal is the most weight total.
How much rest should there be in between sets ?
If you are super setting the movements I would do like 45 sec or so. Just enough time for your breath to come back down, then move to the next movement.
To what press movement are you referring on Tuesdays? Leg press? Shoulder press?
Thanks for this routine. Am doing it now.
Press refers to standing strict press for your shoulders. Glad you like it, feel free to post your results in the comments.
Is there any way to get a printout of this workout?
Yeah I’m going to put it all together once I finish the full 12 weeks. I’ll probably email it out, so sign up for the email list if you haven’t already, and I’ll get it to you.
Have you compiled these yet by chance? I’m about to start this program, and it would be nice to have a single sheet.
Not, yet. I’m such a loser, but I blame the holidays. I’ll get it done.
I am also starting on Monday and it would be nice if the whole 12 weeks were printable
Great program. I’m curious about phase 2!
What’s the difference between strict press and shoulder to overhead? Also, what is death by power clean?
Strict press is pressing a bar from your shoulders to lock out with out any assistance from your legs. Shoulder to overhead means you can use your legs for assistance. Google Push jerk or push press and that should demo the difference. Death by anything means you do 1 rep on the first minute, 2 on the second, 3 on the third, until you can’t make the reps in the minute.
My coach and I just started this on Monday and we are loving it! Quick questions- for Friday’s dumbbell press- is this a shoulder press or a chest press? We did shoulder press today but wanted to clarify for future reference. Also, for dumbbell work (e.g. Bent over rows) should we assume all of this is to be done on both sides unless noted as single-arm? Lastly, in the 4×8- should we be doing all sets AHAP or building? Thanks again- we really look forward to continuing with your programming and tracking our results- those sprints were no joke! 🙂
1. Dumbbell press is a shoulder press you are correct.
2. All dumbbell work is for both arms. So 4×8 dumbbell row is four sets left, four set right.
3. Generally your sets should be the same weight for AHAP, but if you find you can do more, add the weight!
Feel free to post your experiences and results on the comments section. Good luck.
Most of this can be done at home with minimal equipment. The rower however is the only thing that’s bigger.
What’s your recommended sub for the calorie rows?
If you are constrained on equipment then you can sub double under, or burpees for calories. I generally do 1 burpee = 1 cal , or 3 double under = 1 cal .
Do I have to do the WODS right after the heavy lifts or can I space it out?
What ever you schedule allows. If you can spread it out through the day you’ll probably get a little more out of it, but I do them together. Your preference.
What ever you schedule allows. I do them together, but spacing them out will probably allow you to go harder on the WOD.
This is a great program that is a perfect fit for me. I’ve been looking for something other than main site WOD’s and I really like what has been put together here.
Thanks Jake!
Thanks for the kind words. It’s nice to know that my hard work is appreciated. Keep a lookout for the next 6 weeks which will be coming out in a week or two.
What are your thoughts on subbing dumbbell rows and dumbbell press if I don’t have heavy enough dumbbells?
Marcelo, I’d say that you could do one of two things. Substitute exercise for something else, say pull ups or hand stand push ups with a deficit. Or you could increase reps to make it more challenging.
Any ETA on phase 2?
Yeah just finished the last few weeks of it. It’ll be up next week.
where can I find it? I just subscribed lol
What are you looking for ?
For Phase 2? … Actually, if I may ask, I’m really trying to learn how to create/program met-cons into my current training program (hypertrophy/strength focused) and have found some HIIT workouts to greatly help me improve my recovery times and lifts. Your program has helped with some idea on how to implement met-cons. I know it has to do with energy-systems but I am still new to it; understanding how to set up exercises that are fun (duration, intensity, rest periods, etc.) and where to program them into my program. I value met-cons for its boost in energy, time efficiency, and fat loss (currently trying to do).
When programming you first need to determine your overall goal. Is it strength, fat loss, hypertrophy etc? Because while they are not mutually exclusive it is exponentially more difficult to program for more than one. My method requires that you pick your goal and put the majority of your effort towards that, while only putting enough effort into your other areas of fitness to maintain them. An example of this is might be a planning for strength gains in the squat. I’ll for sure be squatting multiple times per week, and metcons will be for maintenance. I will also focus on other lifts that really pair well with squat on non squatting days. SO that might be squat 3 days a week, 4 metcons a week, and on non squat days work on pressing strength. I’m actually in the process of writting an book covering programming in detail so look out for that in a few months. Otherwise shoot me any questions you have.
So fired up to start this program! Look like a bodybuilder,lift like a powerlifter and move like a weightlifter!
Look out for part two. It’s dropping in a few days.
Can’t wait boss!!
Is week 5 on Thursday an EMOM or an AMRAP with the 1,1,2,2,3,3…
Loving the program and the strength building is on point. Hamstrings and quads are shot after sprints though. Can’t wait for the next cycle.
It’s an EMOM increasing by 1 rep for each on the minute. You do 1 of each on the first, 2 of each on the second, till you can’t finish. Glad you like the programming!
Just seeing this program for the first time…looks great! Did the file (for printing) ever get emailed? (I just signed up today.)
Not yet. I just released part two and I’ll get a sheet put together shortly. Hope you like part two!
Hi as an older man, 60 years old, I have been working out for a very long time and enjoy trying cross fits workout but as a person with knee problem and such how should I scale this for my self and not over do it. hope I make sense as I do sometime get too over in to a work out and plans and do it too much as well, I am now just doing mostly things or weight base on 60 – 70% of my 3 reps max and not 1 reps max, thank for the information on here enjoy reading your stuffs.
There are a couple of things I could recommend. First I’d change the sprint intervals to either airdyne or row. Basically do 15 seconds for 100m sprints and 10 seconds for the 50’s. This should be much easier on the joints and muscle tissue while giving you the same benefit as running sprints. I would also take it easy on the squats depending on how the knee is feeling. If you want you could substitute moves such as glute bridges, or bulgarian split squats in, which I’ve found are easier on the knees and still great for the legs. Let me know if you have other questions that I can help with.
Thank you for your reply. I have been rowing in place of running and a good hard row is a great replacement and hard breather as well. I do front squat when I can, as I don’t have cartilage pad in left knee and crack knee cap as welll. but basely I just keep my self aware of how much weight and how my forms is when using free weight which I loved and Olympic lifts are my fav’s work outs. thanks for your programs and insight as well. looking forward to more . thank you
The Tabata WOD for Friday on week one. How long would the tabata be mate ? 20 on 10 off for 4 minutes?
So glad I found this Mate..
Great site you got going here with some very interesting stuff…
The WOD would be 20 sec on 10sec of for 4 min total on the first. Then rest two minutes and repeat for the second movement. Glad you like it. Good luck!
This looks like a great 12 week plan which I intend to start next week. One question i have is I travel quite a bit and don’t always have facilities or time to work out. If I miss a day (or even more) during a week, is it best to repeat the week again or move forward? I would assume it’s better to repeat the week again to get the most benefits out of the plan. I’d be interested on your thoughts.
I would treat the programing sequentially in your case. There are a total of 60 workouts in this 12 week plan. I recommend just doing them in order, and if you miss a few days just pick up with the next workout. It’ll take longer than 12 weeks but you’ll get the most out of it that way.
I am going to use this with my athletes in our box for our next 6 week phase. I’ll let you know how it goes. I love this. I have a powerlifting and bodybuilding background that pre-dates Crossfit so I definitely see the value in hypertrophy phases and have implemented this kind of work from day 1 with my athletes. So many athletes just need to add some quality muscle. This looks really well put together. Thanks!
Great deal man. I have a similar background prior to crossfit and so far our gym has had a ton of PR’s after this cycle. I think you guys will really like it.
Thanks for taking the time to drop your knowledge. If I did regular WODs at times in addition to this, would that be counterproductive?
If you find that you can tolerate the additional volume there’s no reason why you can’t do more. Just be wary of over training. Good luck!
Hi ! Great work there, thanks ! But i have a question for you. For the dumbell press, are we supposed to separate sets between left and right arm or can we work both arms at the same time and do only 4 sets in total ?
Two arms at once for this.
How would you recommend scaling metcons? Would you suggest doing some workouts rx and scale others that are too heavy or just keep a certain percentage and scale every workout throughout the program?
Thanks for a great free program!
If you can do the workout RX with good technique then that’s where you need to be. If you need to scale do so only to complete the workout as designed. I.e if most folks who go RX would be able to do like 5 reps on a move before they break, you need to pick a weight that allows you to do the same. If you have any specific WOD’s that you need help with let me know.
So my husband and I started the program this week.
Monday, for example, the 10min AMRAP we used 95/65lbs and got 4 rounds +17 (banded ring dips) and 4 rounds+9 reps (regular ring dips). Should we have used the prescribed weight and just gotten less rounds?
Tomorrow, 14min AMRAP for the hang power snatch we’re also thinking 95/65 or should we go rx 115/85 and just fight through it even if that means we may only get 2 rounds?
Also, is there a certain prerequisite strength that you based this program on (specifically the metcons since they have prescribed weights) ?
Those scales sound appropriate. It’s hard to say without seeing you do them, but you’re right in there with the amount of total reps you should be getting. You’ll know if it’s too heavy during the wod if your aren’t breathing very hard, because you are taking extended rest due to heavy weight. There’s no strength requirement, you just should do the AHAP’s as heavy as you can with good form, or at prescribed percentage. Any other questions send them my way.
Hey Jake,
Quick Question:
Do you program 5 days in a row for a reason ?
or is it okay to stick with 3 days work 1 active recovery day 2 days work 1 rest day ?
Thanks for the program and your reply !
the Netherlands
Hi Gaele,
I program 5 days in row more for simplicity, not to mean that you must only do it this way. If you like 3/1 then 2/1 do it. I think thats a great way to do it. A lot of times I’ll just take a rest day when I need, but I’ve been doing this for about 10 years and have a pretty good feel for that. Basically do the workouts in order, but you don’t have to do 5 on 2 off. Let me know if you have any other questions. You’re also the first commenter from Netherlands!
Great programm,
I had the same question as grace. This programm is almost similiar to CF Football but of course with another focus. Unfortunately CFF is replaced by a paid programming schedule.
I was a bit worried about the 5days in a row but I will give it a try in a 3/1 2/1 system.
Greetings from germany
First German Comment! Nice. It’s almost always more important to do all the work in a way that allows you to recovery than just jam through it. Give it a shot and let me know if you have any other questions.
Currently in WK 4 and I need to say it is impressive for now.
Will follow the full cycle+ the strength cycle and then have a look on the final progress.
Awesome, make sure you post your results on here.
Hey Jake — one the two strength exercises, do you have recommended rest periods? Should these be down in alternating fashion, e.g., Bench, 60 s, DB Row, 60 s, Bench, etc.?
My athletes never really timed these rest periods. I think they probably were about a minute between as you say, but basically once your breathing comes back down to normal you are probably ready to go to the next movement.
Appreciate it — and should we do these in alternating A / B fashion or 4 sets of A folllowed by 4 sets of B?
I like alternating but either is fine.
Jake. As a former resident of Oakton now living on the West Coast, I wish I would have found you before . Definitely would have used your programming. Just learning some the basic oly lifts and feel I could have really gained from your expertise. Thanks man.
Sometimes things work out that way. I do online coaching from time to time. If you want more info on just email.
Just found your site and am looking forward to doing this program. Is there
anything formatted for printing it out easier. Thanks!
Awesome! Not yet I’m gonna make PDFs of the programs to download shortly. So stay tuned.
First of all, Hello from Portugal!
Love your program! Unique on the internet for sure! I’m gonna do it, but i simply can’t see the week 4 plan image :/ Glad if you can help.
Thanks for all the hard work and the trouble for putting this up for free.
First comment from Portugal, nice! I just checked on my laptop and phone. It looks ok to me. Try again, and if it doesn’t work email me at, and I will send you the plan.
How much time would you allow for the strength portion given that we have an hour for our classes? We are looking at doing this at our box starting in January and we want to make sure we allow enough time for that portion. Thanks!
This is what Crossfit Annandale did this summer and we do 1 hour classes. It’s completely doable. I generally had athletes superset the strength work, take a small break then get ready for the WOD. Let me know if you have any issues.
How much time did you allocate to each section of class? We usually do warmup 10-12 min, strength/skill 15-20 and wod 15-20 so I just want to know for strength should I allocate more to that section than normal – like 20-25 min?
Sara, I realized I didn’t really answer your question. For the strength its about 25 minutes or so, having them superset.
Just saw your answer thanks!
What us the meaning of AHAP? I will try This program. It s only 6 weeks? I am from argentina
Thank you so much!
Can i add some core workout?
We’re getting ready to start this program in the new year and am looking very forward to it! My only question is on the sprints what would be a good sub if we cant run outside due to the weather? We have assault bikes, rowers and ski ergs.
Assault bikes are your best bet there. You’ll be able to get the same power output which is key. I would also recommend just sticking with the assault bike and not trying to run one week then bike etc.
Are there any recommended warm ups for these days or will I be going into it as soon as I walk into the gym? This program you posted is already free…I’m super noob to cross fitting…I am hoping you could help explaining the days thoroughly ? Are these workouts supersetted ? What weight should I begin with ? Please help!!!!??? 🙂 I signed up ask requested. I want to change my lifestyle and I’m doing this alone.
No problem Kevin. First I don’t recommend doing any physical activity with out a warm up. It’s a good idea to do some light calisthenics, jogging, cycling etc until you start to sweat and then you can warm up the specific movements i.e bench press or squat etc.
For the strength I recommend super sets for them, but you can do what ever you want really. Take 5-10 minutes after the strength portion, then get ready and do the WOD. I’m assuming you have good technique with these movements. IF you don’t you might consider dropping in for a few crossfit classes at an established gym, to let them check your movements out. Let me know if you have any more questions. Good luck!
You’re a busy man jake! I am so grateful that you’re giving so much time with this FREE program! Reading most of your response to the community has help a lot also. What would you recommend for rest periods between the heavy workouts and also, if you would please Send a PDF file, if you have it?
Thanks for the kind words Kevin. For the strength portion I think after you do the first movement take about 30-45 sec and then do the next. Alternate in this fashion until you finish your sets. I like to take about 5 minutes after the strength and then get set up for the WOD. Hope that helps!
Are the KB swings overhead swings or front swings?
Thanks for doing this. I’ve searched far and wide and this is the only site I’ve seen that truly lays out a great year long focus.
I like to run and bike a lot. Would it be too much or counterproductive to run a few miles in the morning and do this program at lunch or after work?
Oh, and I’d sure love a PDF when you get it done ha!
Hi Branan,
I really need to get those PDFs made, I’m going to make it a priority. In regards to your question I say continue to do what you like to do, just understand there will be some impact. For you it might not matter, and you might be able to recovery from the workouts, and it could even be beneficial as long as you aren’t murdering yourself on the bike’s and runs. Just play it by ear. If you are making progress on the WOD’s and you don’t feel tired and under recovered then keep going. I find your body will tell you when you are doing to much if you listen.
Thanks for the kind words!
Hey is the DB press like a bench press, or more like an overhead press? Would you do alternating arms or both at the same time?
Also is the strict press barbell and are the KB swings overhead or front swings?
Hi Sara,
DB press is standing strict overhead press, targeting the shoulders. I think both arms at the same time is best for DB press. KB swing should be the fullest range of motion you can manage. If you have good mobility in the shoulder it should be overhead, otherwise as high as you can safely manage. Keep after it!
Like a lot of people down here in Australia, I’ve had a couple of weeks vacation over the Christmas period. Sure I did plenty of outdoor activities, but I pretty much took a break from the program.
Prior to my break I had completed Week 6 and had seen some good gains in strength and muscular endurance.
My question is to get back into it I’m going to have to de-load, but should I re-do Weeks 5 & 6 to transition back into the program, or go straight into Week 7?
Hey Jake,
For Tuesday’s workout, is “press” barbell shoulder presses or bench? Also, for the WOD, are there any rest after the circuits or is it no to little rest as possible ? For the 30-20-10 reps are they two counts for one or are they one count for one? The Lunges, are we using barbells or dumbbells? You could tell by this message I just started and day one was a challenge but, i love it! I’m stoked for day two just a bit confused haha 🙂 thank you Jake!
No worries bro glad to help. Press will always refer to standing strict barbell press. During any WOD you should only rest as needed to keep moving, unless there is planned rest in the WOD. Between strength training and the WOD you should take 5-10 minutes to rest. WODS like 30-20-10 indicate that you need to do that number of reps of each movement listed. For the lunges use the barbell. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Thank you ! Slowly but surely understanding. You are explaining everything really well.
Welcome !
For week one on Thursday, what are the time periods for the tabatas?! How many reps and sets ?
A tabata is 8 intervals of 20 sec of work with 10 sec of rest. Thats 4 minutes in total. You work for max reps in each twenty second interval.
Will I be separating the two exercises ? I would be doing Tamara wall balls for 8 intervals, Rest 2 mins. Then the Tabata pull ups for 8 intervals ???
I appreciate that you respond so quickly. !! 🙂
Yep that’s how that wod is designed. Two minutes between the different movements
Good afternoon my friend, greetings from Brazil!
I have a home gym and workout with a friend, I have experience in crossfit and in recent months I have been doing the 5-3-1, Jim Wendler, but I was dissatisfied with the loss of endurance and aerobic.
From now on I will follow your hypertrophy plan and then follow the strength plan.
I do not have in my gym wall balls any idea how to replace?
And in sprint practice I can go to a track, but in WODs with 400m running I do not have the space, what can I replace?
Thanks for making this program available, I’m fond of programming and periodizations, I read everything I can about it, and your program seemed very balanced and well thought out.
Congratulations and thanks again.
First comment from Brazil! I think you’ll like the muscular endurance plan, especially after running Wendler. For wall balls I think you can do thrusters with around 75lbs for guys. It’s roughly equivalent. If you can’t run the 400m on a track then you can substitute it with airdyne, rowing, or double unders. Try to pick a distance or reps that is about the same length as the run would take you. Let me know if you need anything else.
Thanks for the answer! We are finishing the second week, is being difficult, but we are believing in the process and following as prescribed.
Looking forward to finishing these 12 weeks and going to the strenght program (9 weeks)… You should know the feeling!
How about those PDFs?
They’re coming. Finishing up writing an ebook for crossfit programming. Then I can get to them.
This looks like the program I’ve been searching for a long time. Going to start right away! Thanks so much for the workouts and the in-depth explanations. Can’t wait.
Thanks for the kind words Anna. Let me know if you have any questions.
Great program, is there a pdf version of this somewhere?
They will be comming soon. I’m finishing an Ebook then I’m going to be making PDF’s for the programs
My man Jake, first and foremost thank you for what you do. As you can see, many around the world truly appreciate all your hard work! Just finished your 8 week hypertropchy cycle and love the gains. Going to take a deload week or two before I hit the next 12 week programming you have. Can’t wait to get my hands on those PDF’s!!!
Semper Fi
Keep up the good work. Those PDF’s are coming as I’m editing the ebook.
I’m going to start this tomorrow, thanks jake looks great,
Evo in Wales
Nice! Let me know if you have any questions.
Just completed the first week…great program…thanks dude
Strong work brother. Keep it up .
Thinking about doing this programming. Currently doing a upper / lower body workout looking for increasing muscle mass (but..I always get bored of this, prefer crossfit). I’m skinny and strungle making gains … Do you recommend me this program?
Thank you.
Daniel (currently in UK)
Thank you very much Jake, so kind. Amazing website!!
Hi Jake,
I started your program or more exactly the strength part of it.
I do it just before my box’s class and WOD. So far I feel fine after 4 days and I am planning on doing 3-1 and 2-1 instead of 5 days on and week-end off but I am wondering if this is still going to work if I don’t do your WODs but my box’s (which sometime include strength work etc.)?
Also is doing it 5 days a week the way I’m doing it too much in your opinion?
Love your programming by the way 🙂
Thanks for the kind words Hugo. 3/2, 2/1 is perfectly fine. It’s all about managing your recovery. If you feel better that way then continue on. You’re fine to do other wods, but they may interfere with some of the strength training. When I program for strength I write the WODs to complement the strength program. It shouldn’t make a huge difference but some days they probably won’t fit well together so just be smart and scale, or sub a movement if you need to. If you have more questions let me know.
Thanks for this amazing plan! Worked well for me!
Is it possible to get the phase 2?
Thank you
Thanks for this amazing plan! Worked well for me!
Is it possible to get the phase 2?
Thank you so much
Hello from Sweden! This program looks great, I think I will start it this summer. My question is: I’m used to training a bit more than this, usually 2-3 hours / day 6 days a week (because I’m working on cutting about 15 lbs as well as maintain strength and build conditioning). Do you recommend adding any cardio or additional workouts to this program or is this the maximum amount of work you should do for best overall results?
What do you recommend for percentage of 1rm for the main lifts? And is it ok to add a couple more accessory movements after the main lifts?
Thank you.
For most of the lifts you’ll find they are in the high 70% and low 80% range. There’s no issue with adding some accessory movements if you feel like it’s not too much work.
Hi Jake.
Seen real changes from moving to crossfit about 6 months ago, and thanks for the programme.
Qu.1 what can I substitute wall balls for on tabata wods?
Qu.2 do you have links to programmes yoy suggest in phase 2 and phase 3 of the cycle (akin to the firsr 12 week programne).
Ben. Bristol. Uk
Hey Jake! Liking this program a lot but when your WOD calls for an AMRAP workout, does that mean the exercises below it are in the circuit or is that separate?
Yes that means all exercises in that block are to be done with the prescribed reps for as many times as possible in the time given. Good luck!
Currently at week 3. Really like this program, big up from Sweden.
Kick ass Mike. Let us know how it turns out after you finish the cycle.
Looks like a fabulous program, will be starting it in 2 days. Two questions. First is what is RPE 8.. I think I may have read that it’s effort like from 1 to 10.. the sprints are performed at 8?
Second question, have you gotten the pdf or printable version completed? Thank you.
You are correct on RPE 8. It’s a comfortably hard effort 10 being max. No pdf’s for that yet. Working my way back through the programs to make them. Let us know how it goes!
Great programme jake!improving week on week!do you know where the best advice I can get for my nutrition.I am struggling to find the right plan for doing this programme and having a physical job as well.
Very excited to start this!
Thank you for putting this up for everyone ?
Any chance there’s a PDF file for this and the part2?
Nope not for this one, but all my programs going forward will have PDFs. Let us know how it turns out.
Hey Jake,
Great programming. Just finished the 8 week Crossfit bodybuilding hybrid program, thought it was amazing!
I’m starting this program today actually and was wondering if you could give some advice. I lift 4 days a week, any recommendations on how to split up the extra day of strength that I will miss?
I would recommend dropping the the strength day that you least need to work on. If you’re pretty good on pull ups and running then it’s easy to drop Wednesday. Or you could rotate the day you drop. Some weeks might be a monday, others a wednesday. Etc. Hope that helps.
I am really interested in doing these program!But I am doing 5 wods a week and two weightlifting sessions should I sacrifice something in order to do it?
Eh to be honest you shouldn’t do both. That’s too much volume to recover from . If what your program has you doing now works and you are showing progress then stick with it. Once you stall out give this one a shot.
So u basically mean only doing these program without the wods and the weightlifting sessions of my gym and nothing else?so training once per day?
You can I just thought you meant doing this program, and another one as well as weightlifting. I generally recommend starting with lower volume and adding when you need. Not just starting at max volume.
great programme, just wondering how they can all be downloaded of printed off? thanks
I haven’t done PDFs for this program. Normally I just screen shot the week i’m working on. Hope that helps.
Hey Jake!
Just finished the Hybrid. Bodybuilding Program and it was a lot of fun.
I’m starting this programming this week and what I love
Most, is because is FAST.. I don’t like regular gym at all. Lol … but I wanna double check with you some stuffs.. First. You recommend weight 70-80% if hour max… Second.. the rest between sets should be 45-1 min, correct?
Also I feel I need workout my arms because the are “little small size” lol I should I add one more day for arms or One more exercises at the same day following the reps you described?
I got your book, but I can’t find the link in my emails. How can we check that?
Glad you liked the other program. Your assumptions are correct. I would add one more exercise for your arms on the appropriate day. Check your spam folder, a lot of time gmail sends it to another folder automatically. If you still can’t find it email me and I’ll get you set.
Jake. Awesome program man! My question is what is your recommendation on running this program….can I run in a couple of time consecutively to maximize the mass gains or would it be best to run this program and strength and then back to this program (or another). My main goal is to gain as much mass as possible before progressing to strength then skills. Many Thanks! 🙂
Sorry it took me a while to respond Gary. I’d probably run the program , then cycle to another, and come back if you want. I think you’d probably adapt too much and start see less of return on all the work you’d be doing to repeat it again.
Update. I’m still progressing Jake but am incorporating some regular CF routines in to keep in good graces at the gym…BUT, I have already made several large PR gains on several lifts (FS, Split Jerk, Bench). Most of these programs last about 1 hour. If I wanted to add in another accessory lift to push this closer to 1:15 minutes would this be beneficial or would it be counter productive?
As long as you feel ok when you do it and not stretched too thin I think you could add in another lift. Keep up the great work with the lifts.
Thanks Jake.
I have added one more exercise.
I’m sorry about the wrong grammar. I was texting on the phone and I did not review properly. I found the link for the book, it is on my list for reading this week.
thanks again and I will let you know how it goes in the end of the programming.
Hi Jake,
Similar to Diego I’ve just finished the hybrid and this is the first week of this cycle – I am at day 4. So far so good, thanks a lot for putting all of this together!
Now, in some of the excercises I really think I picked the weight for the 4×8 “AHAP”, meaning that I had hard time getting to 8 reps in all 4 sets. I realize I sometimes went above 80% of my previous 1RM. Do you think I should lower the weights, since in the next weeks the reps will increase? Or should I keep this weight, and once I fail In the next weeks I start lowering it down for the remaining sets?
Thank you!
See the reply to the other comment on the double post.
Hi Jake,
I Similar to Diego I’ve just finished the hybrid and this is the first week of this cycle – I am at day 4. So far so good, thanks a lot for putting all of this together!
Now, in some of the excercises I really think I picked the weight for the 4×8 “AHAP”, meaning that I had hard time getting to 8 reps in all 4 sets. I realize I sometimes went above 80% of my previous 1RM. Do you think I should lower the weights, since in the next weeks the reps will increase? Or should I keep this weight, and once I fail In the next weeks I start lowering it down for the remaining sets?
Thank you!
The best rule of thumb for any AHAP set is to go as heavy as you technically can. Meaning if your last reps are getting sloppy that’s too heavy. All reps should be hard but with very good form. Don’t worry so much about next week. You’ll probably surprise yourself with the weight you can move, and if you have to maintain an previous weight no problem.
So excited to start your program tomorrow, Jake! Thanks you for sharing your knowledge and taking the time to write these and offering them to us. I’ve purchased your e-book and look forward to reading it also.
Thanks for the kind words Brandi. If you haven’t already join the FB group for the Programing Your Fitness ebook. Let us know how the program turns out for you!
Hello Jake, I am at week 4 and I have one question on the 3 sec lowering deadlifts. Is the 3 seconda lowering all the way to the ground? I tried that but I feel more the fatigue on the lower back, I was thinking perhaps lowering 3 sec till right below the knees and the back up straight could be an alternative. What’s the intended way?
Thanks for this, I started already hating you from week 3, which is a good thing 😀
Hello, I have a doubt, Are the pull ups executed strictly?
Thanks for this program!!
Unless the pull ups say “strict pull ups” you can kip them.
Thanks for reply!
Hey buddy,
Great programming, I’m about to start with your program. But I was just wondering if you have the scedule in a Excel File or so, also to keep track of your progress?
For this one no. I’ve been going back through and making PDFs but haven’t got here yet. Have fun and let us know how it goes.
10 october start the open im decided to do this program but i wanna add some aerobic too like what ? what programm aerobic or running or row, bike, skyer etc…i can use together this one? in the same week if its possible 2/ 2.5 hours at day… go hard !
Add in the aerobic capacity program if you need extra conditioning.
Ho Jake,
First of thanx for awsome programs.
I wonder if you have WOD time/results from your team. Similar to the figurers in the Open prep program.
Im still new to crossfit so i used them as target Numbers during my training.
I don’t have them here. I’d have to manually look everyone up and put them in the article, but I will say that many of my programs have results posted in beyond the whiteboard which could give you a good goal to shoot for.
Hi Again. Thanx for the answer. I tried the webb page. However it were kinda hard to fond you on the page. Im so lost there.
Got any tips or trixs on how to find your WODs. Search for what/ name/ facility??
BR Anders
Sorry Anders I’m a bit confused what are you looking for here?
This program looks sick, can’t wait to try it!
However, given that it progresses like: week 1 4×8, w2 4×10, w3 4×12, and weeks 4-6 go from 4×6 to 4×10. Is the idea to use the same weight as week 1 4×8 for w2 & w3? For example, say I use a 160lbs for bench and 80lbs dumbbells for the row for w1 4×8; is the goal/ idea to use the same weight for w2 4×10 and w3 4×12?
Thanking you in advance!
Yes that would be the idea. Continue to use the heaviest weights you can manage with proper form. If you have a lot of experience lifting it’s going to be difficult to make these jumps week to week, but if you are newer that can definitely work. Best of luck Chris!
a couple of us at our gym are just about to finish phase 1 and are planning on starting phase 2 next week. we have been doing cros tsfit on and off for 5 years and i am absolutely amazed at the gains we have made in just 6 weeks! we have had to scale down some of the heavier weights in the wods. but we are getting closer to the recommended weights. Thanks again for the awesome program!!
Thats awesome Tammy! It’s really great to hear folks are having success and getting fitter. Keep us informed how part two goes, and don’t be afraid to share our programs! Thanks.
Hi, love Your program ! Is there a way i can print all of the weeks on one sheet?
Not for this one. I recommend taking a screen shot of each week. I will be putting together I detailed version of this program in a few months however.
If i dont have a rower at home, what can i do to have a equivalent method. Exemple :
15 cal row would be like 200 m run?
Yep 15 cal is about 200m run. Have fun!
This looks great! I’m currently in week 5 of your bodybuilding program, but I’d really like to switch! Thoughts?
I always recommend finishing your current program. At least get to 8 weeks. If you want to switch then that’s fine.
I bought the programming book a couple months. I had to get a new computer since and I thought I had saved the download to an external source, but apparently did not. Is it possible for you to send me another download? Thank you!
I just resent the email to you. You should be able to download it again. Please email me at if you have further issues.
Hello Jack,
Thank you for the program, me and my girlfriend love it!
Do you have a program for developing the gymnastic part of CrossFit?
Another question about this program, what can I replace the sprints on Wednesdays with?
Thank you again and much love from Sweden!
I don’t have a gymnastics program yet. You can replace the sprints with easy cardio or some olympic lifting as well. Thanks for the kind words!
Hi from Switzerland,
thanks so much Jake for alle the programs and insight you’re offering for FREE, loving the content!
I’m wondering if there’s any way to support you other than buying your book.
Some questions regarding this program: How does this program compare to the hybrid bb program? They both have the goal of gaining muscle and getting stronger, but the volume on this one seems to be much lower. When would you recommend the hybrid bb and when this program?
Thanks for the kind words Michael. Currently the best way to support me is to pick up a copy of the books, otherwise it’s always helpful to recommend the website to your friends. In terms of your actual question, the 6 week program is a little more biased towards traditional metcon performance. They Hybrid program is more heavily biased towards building muscle. If you want more muscle go with the hybrid program, if you want a little more balance go with the 6 week program. You could do both program in either order. It really won’t make much of a difference. Good luck!
Thanks Jake! I decided to go with this one as my conditioning needs some work, too 🙂
Just finished week 1 and can’t wait for week 2.
PS: got the book 🙂
Good choice brother. Let me know if you have any questions and thanks for picking up a copy!
Finishing up the first 12 weeks this week and really enjoying the program. Curious how do we access phase 2? Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the kind words Alex. There is a link all the way at the bottom. Or you can use this one.
Hi, I have recently found this and was wondering what I could use instead of pull ups? Thanks
Kurt set a bar at the height you would do bench press then use it as you would a ring row. Pulling your chest to the bar while hanging under it.
funny people are willing to lift heavy thing s but are too lazy to just copy the program in a notepad (i did just that and already feel endurance building). Thanks so much for this great program!
Hi Jake, I just started this program and it looks awesome!
I have one quick question: about the strength work, are those 2 paired movements all superset? Or should I do them individually?
Thanks in advance,
Those are meant to be done individually, no need to superset them. Have fun!
Fantastic, thanks a million again.
Jake awesome program and thanks for putting these out. Is there a recommended substitute for wall balls?
I normally recommend thrusters at 75/55lbs
Hey Jake! I just completed your 7-week comp prep program and saw great results. 15% gains in some lifts and I hit continuous PR’s week after week. My deadlift went from a 1 rep max of 350 to 450 over the 7 weeks. ( I put in some extra work on that 🙂
I’m wondering if the rest of the 72-week programming is available in PDF format like the 7-week program? IF so, where can I download the complete set? I’d like to donate to you if possible.
That’s great work Brendan! The whole 72 weeks is not available in one program yet. Eventually that’ll be coming, but many of the component programs do have downloads.
Hej Jake,
You’re an angel for giving us this well structed fun program, greetings from Sweden.
I have one question, the sprints, how much should I rest between the sprints?
Thanks Mergim! If you’re doing the sprints outside simply walk back to the start at an easy pace. Then go when you’re ready. If you are doing them on a treadmill then just walk slowly for 3-5 times the length of your sprint. Have fun!
I have bad turf toe injuries that flare up often. Can rowing or fan bike replace the sprints? What distances would you suggest.
I would go with fan bike as it allows for higher power output over more muscles. When substituting go with similar times. If it takes you 1:40 to run 400m then go for a calorie goal around that level, something like 30 calories.
Looking forward to trying this program. Is there any kind of warm up recommended for these?
Mike I recommend 3-5 minutes of running, walking, rowing or assault bike. Then some body weight moves with similar movement patterns to your lifts. Don’t go crazy hard.
HI Mike — Loving the program so far. Quick question, I don’t have a parallel bar to do weighted bar dips; today, I subbed them with weighted bench dips (where I put my legs on another bench and put weight on my legs). I’m unsure if this is targeting the same muscles so I wanted to know, if this as a good sub or would you recommend something else that is better?
That’s a good sub. Don’t be afraid to do something like close grip bench press as well.
Hi the 6 week program is part 1? Where can i find part 2?
Part Two is linked in the last paragraph. Or the premium version has it all put together with extras.
Hey Jake, Thank you so much for this incredible resource brother! I have completed part 1 of phase one and halfway through part 2. But to be honest I didn’t go hard on the big lifts thinking I’d rather lean towards maintenance instead of gains (and old rugby niggles).
However, I’ve decided I want to give the CrossFit open (in Feb 2022) a real crack next year. Do you suggest I start the phase 1 (Part1) again being more intentional, or keep going with phase 2?
Secondly, I was trying to look for phase 3 and phase 4 – did you publish those too?
Thanks again brother…so appreciate your wisdom!
I’m glad you are liking the program. This program is only two parts totaling twelve weeks. If you want the program all combined with coaches notes then you can pick up the premium version, otherwise keep going with part two. As far as going for the Open I would recommend starting my competitor series. It’s about 6 months long, but it’s very difficult towards the end.
Ah bro!! For some reason I missed this comment and have just left you another one on one of your other pages….ignore it…the link you have sent me to The Tier Three Fitness Competitors Program (Part 1) is absolutely awesome!! I am so pumped!! Thank you so much brother!!
Glad you like it Calvin. Have fun!
Love the program, but I have som difficulties with some of the excercises:
Front squat – Hard to do with good technique. Is there any other exercise I can do?
Sprint – I do it on treadmile, is it ok?
Thanks for the reply.
Sprint on the treadmill is fine. You could also do an assault bike for similar time and intensity. Just switch to back squat if that works well. Enjoy!
I’ve had this saved in my bookmarks for years, and Im so glad I just found it. Week 1 starts on 12/25 with 3 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off.
Thanks for putting this together
Awesome. Good luck Jody!