Bodybuilding and Functional Fitness: A Case Study on Anabolic Steroid Use

We all know that performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) are in common use in athletics.  They are at least partially responsible for most if not all world records set in the strength sports, and alas, fitness competition is no exception.  Recently we’ve seen a rash of positive drug tests for top level athletes, and even more lame excuses.  This article will explore some of the realities of PED use through an excellent study on anabolic steroid use in amateur bodybuilders.

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The Science of CQB, Gunfighting, and Not Getting Shot

The problem with gunfighting is that you don’t live long enough to make mistakes.  The second problem with gunfighting is that for normal, well adjusted people, it never happens. So how would someone learn what works and what doesn’t besides listening to some guy talk about his six tours in Grenada?

That has been the million dollar question, that hasn’t really been answered until now.  This article will discuss some great research into gunfighting and cqb fighting styles that have been scientifically tested.

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The 8 Week Running Plan for Functional Fitness

If you’re a functional fitness athlete, chances are you’ve got a problem, and you don’t even know it.  You’re really neglecting a huge aspect of your fitness, and it’s impacting your WOD performance more than you know.  It’s…..running!  Keep reading to see why running matters, and how it can help you on even the heaviest metcons.  Plus you get a free 8 week running plan!

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Rifle vs. Pistol: A Data Driven Approach

When you ask a gun person if they’d rather shoot a rifle or pistol in a self defense situation, the smart ones will always say rifle.  Unfortunately they’d be wrong.  The real answer depends on what exactly you plan on using it for and your current skill level.  Engagement range will drastically affect these choices as well.  Keep reading to find out how to choose the best tool for tactical shooting.

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The Tier Three Fitness Competitors Program (Part 2)

By now you’re feeling the strength gains.  At my home box, my intermediate athletes that did at least four sessions per week saw an average strength increase of 13%.  They worked incredibly hard and had great results.  If you can finish part two I expect that you will see the same increases, if not better.  Keep reading for all the details about The Tier Three Fitness Competitors Program (Part 2).

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The Tier Three Fitness Competitors Program (Part 1)

This is by far my most successful program for competitive athletes.  It is hard, but if you can finish it, you will be stronger, and more competitive than ever.  This program marks the beginning of over 6 months of programming.  It is designed to take you from your current level to peak performance in approximately 14 weeks.  Keep reading for the first eight weeks of programming, all totally free!

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