The Top 5 Douchey Gun Guys

If you have any involvement in gun culture, you’ll have met some awesome people; however, there are also some ridiculous, crazy, and down right douchey folks as well.  I’m talking about your fanny pack wearers, punisher logo carrying, militia people.  Keep reading to see if you, or anyone you know has seen these top 5 douchey gun guys.

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The 9 Week Functional Fitness Strength Program (Part 2)

If you’re reading this chances are that, you’re an athlete who wants to get stronger.  This is a detailed plan to do just that.  As part of the previous article you will have a total of 9 weeks of daily workouts, with one bonus week, all designed to improve your maximal strength.  Keep reading if you want to see the complete plan.

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Active Shooter: A Tourniquet Won’t Save You?

You don’t understand active shooter events.  It’s not your fault, most people who’s job it is to study these incidents are still learning.  Due to their increasing occurrence, there has been an explosion of research.  This has revealed some new medical data, that will likely have drastic impacts on how law enforcement, and everyday citizens will need to deal with them.  Keep reading to learn some key statistics on active shooter events, and learn how to handle them better.

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11 Research Based Concealed Carry Tips From Criminal Video Analysis

The problem with gunfights is that almost no one has actually been in one.  This causes many people to believe anything that someone says, who has.  This is a dangerous proposition.  They may be right on the money, or they may have just been lucky, because, hey there are 5 guys who win in Russian roulette right? How do we fix this problem?

Well, we can do the next best thing and apply a rigorous analysis on videos of actual gunfights, in order to see what similarities exists in these fights, better preparing ourselves, should we find ourselves in this situation.  Keep reading to see the surprising results of that analysis.

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Book Review: Relentless Strike

From time to time we like to read books here at Tier Three Tactical, mainly the pop up kind, but sometimes coloring books too!  I have recently finished the book Relentless Strike by Sean Naylor.  It was one of the best in depth looks at the secretive world of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and it’s primary components: Devgru, Delta, 160th SOAR and Task Force Orange.

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