My Go to EDC Bag and 7 Must Have Items to Keep in It

We in the tactical community have our priorities ass backwards.  We spend the most time and effort researching and buying gear that we don’t use very often, myself included.  I love my AR and all the effort I put into picking the right accessories, but lets be honest, I shoot it on a monthly basis.  In this article, I aim to review my favorite everyday bag, as well as impress upon you the importance of spending your hard earned money on things that you will actually use everyday.

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Tier Three Valentines Day Swag Guide

We all know Valentines Day is quickly approaching and most of us end up buying and giving the same old things.  ‘Here’s your bear, flowers, and chocolates.’ ‘Here’s your old fashioned (South Park fans anyone). However, in an effort to save your waistline and your pancreas from the ravages of diabetes, I have created a list of things that you readers might like instead.

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Anatomy of an ISIS Attack: How to Piss in Their Cheerios

Ahh ISIS, the current group of assholes that no one likes.  Say what you want about them, they have been effective in their mission of taking over physical and psychological terrain in order to move them closer to a global caliphate.  Well I say, “fuck those assholes.”  This article aims to show you the commonalties present in all  terrorist attacks, and give you actionable ways to stay safe and help thwart their operations.

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Concealed Carry: A Painful Discussion

Concealed carry, the second amendment, and gun rights have been featured quite prominently in the news lately. Many on both sides are nearly apoplectic with anger over the issue, causing responsible gun owners to be forced to join allegiance with a group that they, perhaps, do not fully agree with. This is a discussion that’s based on reality, not based in politics. Feel free to disagree with me, but please, lets avoid knee jerk reactions and idiotic labels.

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Optimal AR-15: Reliability, Accuracy, Vision

The AR-15 is by far the most popular tactical rifle in America. It’s been around for more than half a century and its basic design continues to be improved upon every year. Likewise the aftermarket has added a bewildering array of accessories catered to a variety of consumers: competition shooters, collectors, and tactical professionals alike. This post aims to show the setup that is best suited for the majority of the tactical community. First, we must list the characteristics that we desire in the weapon system so we don’t end up looking like this.

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pistol, revolver

Science and Psychology: 9mm vs 45acp with [INFOGRAPHIC]

For as long as there have been pistols, there have been arguments concerning the efficacy of their projectiles. Sadly, these types of arguments seem to be rooted in folklore and anecdotes, rather than a practical application of terminal ballistics and adversarial psychology. The aim of this article is not to lay to rest which one is better, but which is most suited for tactical applications.

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Weapons, Gear, Self

Welcome to Tier Three Tactical.  This is my my outlet to share with you all what I believe to be important in the tactical world.  As … Read more

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