If you’re reading this chances are that, you’re an athlete who wants to get stronger. This is a detailed plan to do just that. As part of the previous article you will have a total of 9 weeks of daily workouts, with one bonus week, all designed to improve your maximal strength. Keep reading if you want to see the complete plan.
Active Shooter: A Tourniquet Won’t Save You?
You don’t understand active shooter events. It’s not your fault, most people who’s job it is to study these incidents are still learning. Due to their increasing occurrence, there has been an explosion of research. This has revealed some new medical data, that will likely have drastic impacts on how law enforcement, and everyday citizens will need to deal with them. Keep reading to learn some key statistics on active shooter events, and learn how to handle them better.
11 Research Based Concealed Carry Tips From Criminal Video Analysis
The problem with gunfights is that almost no one has actually been in one. This causes many people to believe anything that someone says, who has. This is a dangerous proposition. They may be right on the money, or they may have just been lucky, because, hey there are 5 guys who win in Russian roulette right? How do we fix this problem?
Well, we can do the next best thing and apply a rigorous analysis on videos of actual gunfights, in order to see what similarities exists in these fights, better preparing ourselves, should we find ourselves in this situation. Keep reading to see the surprising results of that analysis.
The 9 Week Functional Fitness Strength Program (Part 1)
If you’ve been training for any length of time, you understand it can be difficult to find a great functional fitness strength program. Chances are … Read more
Competition Vs Tactical Shooting: Asking the Wrong Questions
Competition shooting has been increasing in popularity in the last several years for obvious reasons. It’s fun, useful, and it gives us plausible excuses to … Read more
The Ultimate Guide to Pistol Mounted Red Dot Sights
Should you put a red dot on your pistol? It’s a fair question. We’ve seen an explosion of red dot optic systems mounted on handguns, but we haven’t really seen any compelling evidence that indicate what, if any advantage these sighting systems confer, until now. This article will cover the latest research on pistols with red dot sights, and will provide you with the relevant facts so you can make the best decision for yourself.
The Gentleman Operator
Chances are that if you are reading this article some part of you wishes you could be an operator. You might have an unnatural love of suppressors and short barreled rifles, or you might wear your Oakley’s indoors. No judgment here, except for that last one, it’s weird. But what if you could acquire the same skills that operators use, and conduct the same type of training? But how could you do that, and where might you go to find such training? Keep reading to find out.
6 Weeks of Muscular Growth for Functional Fitness Athletes (Part 2)
The wait is over. You will now have access to 12 weeks of muscular growth for functional fitness athletes, if you can complete both 6 week blocks. I say if, for a reason. This programming has proven to be particularly difficult, and you should feel proud if you are able to complete it as prescribed. Keep reading if you want 6 more weeks of programming that will culminate in new strength gains, and WOD PRs.
21 Defensive Gun Use Statistics With Judge Provided Legal Analysis
Defensive firearm use is a big topic, one that’s fraught with much anecdotal nonsense, and firearms training that doesn’t make any sense. This article aims to correct that, by showing you 21 well researched statistics on defensive firearms use for civilians. The article covers where these events happen, how they happen, and how effective the criminals really are. As a bonus, you will also find out just how legal most defensive firearms uses are, as rated by criminal court judges.
6 Weeks of Muscular Growth for Functional Fitness Athletes (Part 1)
The off season is officially over, and it’s time to get back to some serious training. Don’t make the mistake of working out without a well thought out plan. This is a 6 week high volume plan, designed to increase muscle mass, and muscular endurance, two deficiencies common in almost all functional fitness athletes.
This is the first part the 12 week program. After completing these 6 weeks you will be more muscular, and your ability to handle heavy weights for high reps will be at an all time high.