If you don’t dry fire then screw you. Just kidding, but seriously. Dry fire practice is the only way you will ever move past the beginning stages of firearms training. Unfortunately, this type of training, while incredibly important, has been pretty much the same for the last 50 years. Now, with the advent of apps, lasers, and a few other modern tools, we can measure and time all of our key metrics to become better shooters. Keep reading if you want to find out 3 tools that will allow you to shoot like a boss, and save you thousands.
7 Best Resources for Functional Fitness
If you perform a google search for “fitness tips” you will receive over 12 million results. This leaves us with a bit of a conundrum, statistically speaking. We know that all these resources can’t be worth while. Sure, some will be great, most will be ok, and some will be downright wrong, or dangerous. So where are we to go for quality advice? Keep reading to see the 7 Best resources for functional fitness training.
A Better Functional Fitness Ranking System
Functional Fitness has been a sport for over a decade, with it gaining massive popularity in only the last few years. As a relatively new sport, it still lacks some of the features of more mature sports, such as basketball, football, etc. One of these glaring deficiencies, is the lack of a valid ranking system. Keep reading to discover the five levels for functional fitness athletes, that cover everyone from the newest beginner to the fittest on earth.
Gear Review: Inforce Weapons Mounted Light Gen 2
Weapon mounted lights are a big deal, bigger than most people realize. The vast majority of situations where you would have to use your firearm occur during the hours of darkness, and to use you weapon legally, you need to be able to identify your target, which is where the weapons mounted light comes in; however, not all lights are created equal. There are some key factors that will help keep you and your family safe, that need to be considered when mounting a light to your long gun. Keep reading to see why the new Inforce Weapons Mounted Light: Gen 2 fits the bill.
7 Week WOD Competition Program for Functional Fitness
If you have a big functional fitness competition coming up, then you need an awesome WOD competition program. This program is designed to take your … Read more
Tactical Defense Pistol: Springfield XDm
The defensive handgun is a specific type of weapon for a specific purpose. It does not have to abide by the restrictions that other weapons have to. It doesn’t have to be easy to conceal, compact, or lightweight, as it is not likely to be carried with us everyday. This gives a huge variety of pistols to choose from, but which should we choose? Keep reading to discover what factors are critical to a tactical defensive handgun, and which firearm we’ve chosen for this roll.
5 Proven Rules of Concealed Carry
Concealed carry is a serious subject. The decision to carry a weapon is not to be made lightly, but that does not mean learning to do so should be difficult. If you are willing to take this responsibility, and want to learn more, keep reading to discover 5 proven rules of concealed carry.
Natural Muscular Limits of the Functional Fitness Athlete
Most people came to the gym because they want to become healthier, look better, and have more self confidence. Often times they first learn about functional fitness from Youtube, or watching fitness competitions on ESPN. These top level athletes have amazing physiques, rivaling natural bodybuilders. This leaves most athletes wondering how muscular they can become. Keep reading to find out where the sport is heading in terms of natural muscular limits, and the timeframe to achieve that type of development.
Fitness Supplement Review: Blonyx HMB+Creatine
Normally I’m very skeptical of supplements. I’ve always felt that many companies are less than scrupulous, and many of their products leave much to be desired. It was with this in mind that I contacted Blonyx after my review of supplement research indicated that HMB and Creatine were the only supplements that have broad scientific validity. They were kind enough to send over a sample of their HMB+Creatine product for me to conduct a 30 day self experiment. Spoiler alert, it works, but not exactly how I thought it would.
Pattern Recognition and Deadly Force Encounters
The difference between survival and death, in a deadly force encounter, is pattern recognition. I doubt that you have heard this before, but it is a fact, and yet we as self defense minded enthusiasts spend all of our time on the mechanics side of self defense. We practice our draw, our reloads, shooting and moving, and still we’ve left the hardest and most crucial part out of our training plan, practicing when to shoot, not how. This article will discuss how to enhance your ability at pattern recognition, which will drastically increase your abilities when it comes to using deadly force.