Readers of this website come from a variety of backgrounds. Some are military members, others are law enforcement professionals, but the vast majority of Tier Three readers tactical enthusiasts who don’t necessarily fall into any of those categories. Never the less, anyone who is interested in firearms and the tactical lifestyle needs to have certain skills. This article will cover the top skills and abilities you need from a tactical perspective, and I bet you have some major holes in your tactical game.
Gunfights: How Not to Get Shot
If you remember nothing else from this article, remember you don’t want to get shot in a gunfight. Getting shot statistically leads to dying, and … Read more
On Police Reform
Recently there have been numerous calls for police reform throughout the country. We have seen controversial incidents from Ferguson, to Baltimore. In fact, these very examples have been a catalyst, forming the black lives matter movement, gaining massive media coverage. If you listen to these groups, you might think that we are living in a totalitarian state where police powers are unchecked, that we the police are little more than jack booted thugs. Well, I have yet to be issued any jack boots and it is really hampering my ability to be part of the regime. All kidding aside, this article will delve into the legitimate concerns on both sides, bringing some much need common sense to the conversation.
My Go to EDC Bag and 7 Must Have Items to Keep in It
We in the tactical community have our priorities ass backwards. We spend the most time and effort researching and buying gear that we don’t use very often, myself included. I love my AR and all the effort I put into picking the right accessories, but lets be honest, I shoot it on a monthly basis. In this article, I aim to review my favorite everyday bag, as well as impress upon you the importance of spending your hard earned money on things that you will actually use everyday.
Anatomy of an ISIS Attack: How to Piss in Their Cheerios
Ahh ISIS, the current group of assholes that no one likes. Say what you want about them, they have been effective in their mission of taking over physical and psychological terrain in order to move them closer to a global caliphate. Well I say, “fuck those assholes.” This article aims to show you the commonalties present in all terrorist attacks, and give you actionable ways to stay safe and help thwart their operations.
Concealed Carry: A Painful Discussion
Concealed carry, the second amendment, and gun rights have been featured quite prominently in the news lately. Many on both sides are nearly apoplectic with anger over the issue, causing responsible gun owners to be forced to join allegiance with a group that they, perhaps, do not fully agree with. This is a discussion that’s based on reality, not based in politics. Feel free to disagree with me, but please, lets avoid knee jerk reactions and idiotic labels.
Weapons, Gear, Self
Welcome to Tier Three Tactical. This is my my outlet to share with you all what I believe to be important in the tactical world. As … Read more