If you’re anything like me you probably don’t really like most electronic hearing protection. Electronic muffs are hot in the summer, hard to wear in cold weather, and give you headaches if you wear them for long periods of time. Why do we wear them? The short answer is because most folks don’t see another option. Thats a shame, because these 3M electronic ear plugs do everything you need and are much more livable for the average shooting enthusiast. Keep reading for my experiences with this awesome piece of gear.
I had been thinking of switching to some electronic style earbuds for a few years, but there were several obstacles to this. First, the really good ones cost over $1000. They are basically hearing aids with noise filters to protect your ears. Conversely, the more affordable options have terrible reviews, and seem like cheap pieces of junk. For these reasons I avoided switching to earbuds, until I came across the 3M Peltor EEP-100 electronic ear plugs (Amazon Affiliate Link).

3M Peltor EEP-100 Electronic Ear Plugs Overview
These ear plugs are actually marketed for people that work in noisy environments, that are subjected to intermittent loud noise: construction, mechanic, etc. I’ve found that about half of the reviewers on Amazon are folks like this, and the other half are shooters and hunters. Check out the key features below.
- Noise Reduction of sounds above 82 dB
- 16 hours of battery life
- Charges via micro USB directly to carrying case
- Comes with multiple tips for comfort
- Easy to operate with one button on/off/volume adjustment
Like most folks, I pay attention to user reviews, and as of this writing, there are over 300 reviews on Amazon with a four star average. From what I saw, the most common legitimate complaint was that one of the ear buds would stop working. I didn’t experience anything like this over the last month or so that I’ve been using them. Here are my thoughts.
3M Peltor EEP-100 Electronic Ear Plugs Video Review
3M Peltor EEP-100 Electronic Ear Plugs Experiences
I had a few reservations as I ordered these. I do a lot of shooting by most peoples standards. I’m generally at the range at least once a week, if not multiple times per week. I also shoot some very loud firearms. Hello POF Renegade Plus in 300 Blackout out of a 10.5 inch barrel! Naturally, I wanted to make sure that these electronic plugs would work for long term use, and that they would dampen the sound of loud firearms.
When I first received them, I looked over the packaging and tried a few tips. I found that the foam tips felt a bit odd in my ear. These are rated for the biggest noise reduction, so I might give them a second shot. Ultimately, I went with the medium sized three flanged tips.
On my first trip to the range, I decided to go big or go home, and shoot rifle caliber out of a 10 inch gun. Honestly, I shouldn’t have worried. These plugs worked like a champ, and dampened the sound admirably. They do sound a little bit louder than my old Peltor electronic shooting muffs, but only slightly so.
I found the 3M Peltor EEP-100 electronic ear plugs really allowed me to get a good cheek weld on my rifle when shooting. Anyone who uses large muffs knows its really hard to shoot most rifles comfortably without pushing them off, or breaking the seal over your ear.
My next trip to the range was a pistol day, and as you might expect these plugs worked like a champ. After a while I completely forgot they were there! That is something that I never do with ear muffs.

3M Peltor EEP-100 Electronic Ear Plugs Pros
These plugs excel in a few areas that ear muffs regularly fail. First they are ideal for rifle shooters, and allow you to shoot in any position you like. I haven’t had any issues with them falling out no matter how sweaty I got. Moreover, they are ideal for hot range environments, as they won’t cause your head to sweat like muffs do.
I’ve also found they work very well for USPSA style shooting competitions. If you like to run and gun then these will work well for you. They stay in place! They also weigh much less than earmuffs, and allow you to move your head from target to target slightly easier.
The biggest pro for these electronic ear plugs is the lack of headache you have when wearing these for extended periods of time. I’ve worn these for 4+ hours with no issues.

3M Peltor EEP-100 Electronic Ear Plugs Cons
These plugs only offer a 23 dB reduction with the tips I prefer. The foam style skull screw does offer up to 30 dB if you are very hearing conscious. They also do not offer any other features than the simple on/off/volume adjustment. There is literally only one button!
Don’t expect to listen to your favorite Miley Cyrus songs while shooting, as they have no bluetooth functionality. I do think this probably wouldn’t have been hard to add, but personally I don’t mind this. If I were wearing them in a machine shop all day, I might want some bluetooth capability.
I will say that the sound quality is decent, but it’s not the same quality as my Peltor Comtac III headset, which are extremely detailed an accurate. The biggest difference is if there is a lot of wind it can drown out the mic. Peltor does sell a little foam piece that you can put on the mic, to cut wind noise, but I have not tried that.
Lastly, I’ll list the price as a bit of a con. I paid around $170 dollars when I ordered them, and it looks like the price fluctuates above and below this, depending on what sales are going on. While I feel that this is a fair value for what is offered, it would be nicer if these were closer to $100.

3M Peltor EEP-100 Electronic Ear Plugs Final Thoughts
If you only shoot a few times a year I don’t think you need something like this. If you normally wear hearing protection for long periods of time, or shoot quite often, then these are a definite must. I feel like these are probably the best value on the market given the huge variability in prices between junk hearing protection, and medical grade units.
I should also tell you that 3M will sell you the tactical version of this product (in black of course)for double the price for the exact same specs! If the EEP-100 sounds like something you might like then pick up a pair from Amazon. I bet you like them as much as I do!

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