This article will cover the Bravo Concealment Outside the Waistband Light Bearing holster for my Glock 17 and my TLR 1 HL pistol light. I specifically requested this combo from Bravo Concealment because it is a very popular light and pistol combo, both for home defense, and everyday carry.
First Impressions
They sent the outside the waistband holster and a matching kydex magazine pouch for testing and evaluation. Initially I was impressed with its fit and finish. The firearm fits snuggly in the holster, and will hold onto it when turned upside down.
I was even more impressed with the magazine carrier. It is extremely smooth and even has an adjustable tension screw that controls just how tightly the magazine is held. I found that the tension was perfect right out of the box, and did not adjust it.
Both the holster and the mag carrier attach to a belt with plastic loops. The loops are sturdy and hold the weapon snuggly to your side.
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Pros and Cons
This holster is very solidly built and a great value. Bravo Concealment also has a huge variety of lights, laser, and pistol combinations, so you are likely to find something that fits what ever you want. It is also currently under $50 dollars for the holster and the mag carrier. Check here for the latest price.
One of the biggest drawbacks of the holster is that because it keeps it so close to your body, there is a higher likelihood that your clothes will become pinched in between the holster and gun. This can be a serious safety risk as clothing or pulls on jackets often cause negligent discharges by pulling the trigger when reholstering.
This of course is present in many different holsters, and is easily remedied by either looking the gun into the holster, or holstering it slowly taking care to feel any differences when seating.
Best Use
This holster is for a full size Glock 17 with a pistol light and as such it is not a small package. As you can see from the video it isn’t particularly concealable with just a T-shirt. You will need to wear an over garment of some sort if you plan on concealing this package. Or you could get a smaller Glock 19/43 holster if you are more interested in concealment.
This holster is also extremely comfortable because it does not dig into your side like an inside the waistband, or appendix carry might. Ideally I see this holster fitting into a few categories very well.
If you are hiking or outdoors, and don’t have a particular need to conceal the holster this would be an excellent choice. Likewise, if you often wear a cover garment this would work very well.
It is also a great option for pistol competition like IDPA. This rig would be just as fast as the majority of “race holsters” and its roughly half the price. Bravo Company does make this model without the light if you so desire.
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Final Thoughts
This is a great holster that will work for a wide variety of people. It is especially good for those that may be carrying a little more weight around their mid section, as it doesn’t dig into your flanks like some other holster types.
Bravo Concealment has a lifetime warranty. They promise that if it breaks they will fix or replace it, which is something I always look for in my equipment as I tend to use it pretty hard.
If you have a Glock and you want to carry it with a light give this holster a shot. I bet you will quickly find you don’t really want to carry any other way.
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