Before we get into the nitty gritty of the holster itself, let’s first discuss it’s pros and cons.

Appendix Carry Pros
Appendix carry inside the waistband, otherwise abbreviated as AIWB, is great for several reasons. First, the firearm is always accessible no matter what you are doing. Sitting in a car, check, walking around, check, painting a unicorn mural, checkmate.
It is also very easily concealable, and generally will not require you to wear a cover garment, or one of those photographer vests, that practically screams I have a gun.
The Drawbacks
The most serious drawback is that the pistol will be covering your vital areas in your pelvis, and most seriously, your femoral artery. If there is a negligent discharge, then you are in a world of hurt. There are; however, several ways to mitigate this.
My number one strategy, is to carry a pistol that has an external hammer. When I reholster the weapon, I take my time and I press my thumb on the hammer, as I seat the pistol, ensuring there is no movement. This is called thumb checking, and it requires an exposed hammer. You will not be able to do this with a striker fired gun, sorry Glocks.

The second method is to grab the holster with your non gun hand, pulling and angling it away from the pelvis as you visually reseat the gun. It’s important that you understand that there is no rush to put the gun back into the holster.
Be slow, make sure no clothing or other items are near the trigger, and deliberately reholster. Once the gun is seated you are fine. Fast sloppy movement will get you into hot water. Now that we know a little more about the AIWB method, let’s talk about the holster.
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Werkz Bisect 2.0
I originally contacted Werkz after seeing them advertise on American Warrior Society. I really enjoy their articles and community, and I place a lot of stock in their recommendations. The owner Shan, graciously agreed to send out the Bisect for me to evaluate.

One of the great things about Werkz, is the huge variety of custom holsters they can make. As you can see, my off duty carry gun is a Sig Sauer P239, which is not a common choice. Werkz is one of the few manufacturers that will make a holster for that.
I recommend you play a little bit with their customization options. You can pick nearly any color and pattern of Kydex, left or right handed, with various light/laser combos. They can generally get whatever you choose out to you in two weeks or so, which is a great holster turnaround time.
My first thoughts on the Bisect is that the kydex they use is very tough. It feels sturdy when you pinch the top of the holster, and it provides firm retention of the weapon, even to the point of turning the pistol upside down and trying to shake it loose. The gun does not budge once it’s seated.

There are also numerous adjustment holes that change how high the gun rides in relation to your belt, and where the magazine carrier sits as well. Fifteen minutes with a screw driver, will allow you to configure it exactly where you want it to sit.
Off to the Range
Once I had it set up, I spent some time drawing from the rig, and practicing reloads from the mag carrier. They went very well. Werkz has smartly cut the kydex low enough that you can get a your whole hand on the grip during the draw stroke.
This is key because you cannot accurately adjust your grip mid draw and achieve any type of accuracy on target, if your hand engages the weapon differently every time.

The next step is of course, live fire. I took the Bisect to my local range and ran through some common drills at defensive distances. I ran into no issues with the holster, the clips did a good job of keeping the holster from moving throughout the 50 or so drills I ran with the gun.

I must say I was a little worried initially that reloads would be difficult because the Sig 239 magazines are single stack. I figured that I would end up fishing around for a good grip on the mag, but nothing could be further from the truth.
For those that like to carry a spare mag, while they concealed carry, this is a great method to do so. It provides for easy reloads, and it saves the annoyance of having to purchase and carry a separate mag carrier.
Final Thoughts
If you like AIWB then you’d be a fool not to give the Bisect a shot. This is a very high quality holster, that is easily concealable, and does not print. I’ve also found that I really like that they’ve closed the bottom of the holster to keep debris and lint out of the holster, and your barrel.
Are those things likely to affect your shooting, no, but it shows that they pay attention to detail. If you would like to purchase one, the Bisect is going for $105 on their website. That’s actually pretty reasonable for a quality custom holster that is also guaranteed for life.
Great article, thanks for the info
You’re welcome!