Natural Muscular Limits of the Functional Fitness Athlete

Most people came to the gym because they want to become healthier, look better, and have more self confidence.   Often times they first learn about functional fitness from Youtube, or watching fitness competitions on ESPN.  These top level athletes have amazing physiques, rivaling natural bodybuilders.  This leaves most athletes wondering how muscular they can become.  Keep reading to find out where the sport is heading in terms of natural muscular limits, and the timeframe to achieve that type of development.

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Bodybuilding for the Functional Fitness Athlete

Few things cause as much angst for functional fitness folks than the prospect of bodybuilding.  Since it’s inception there has been a natural tension between these two different tribes of gym bro’s.  On one hand, bodybuilders couldn’t care less how functional they are as long as someone’s mirin’ on their instagram.  Where as functional athletes spend the majority of their time talking about metcons, paleo diets, and rolling their ass’s on pieces of foam.  You might think that these two groups have very little in common, but you’d be wrong.  This article will cover recent research on increasing muscular size, hypertrophy, and how this applies to us, because lets face it guys, secretly we want to be jacked and functional.

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