7 Best Resources for Functional Fitness

If you perform a google search for “fitness tips” you will receive over 12 million results. This leaves us with a bit of a conundrum, statistically speaking.  We know that all these resources can’t be worth while.  Sure, some will be great, most will be ok, and some will be downright wrong, or dangerous.  So where are we to go for quality advice?  Keep reading to see the 7 Best resources for functional fitness training.

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Crossfit Ranking Standards

A Better Functional Fitness Ranking System

Functional Fitness has been a sport for over a decade, with it gaining massive popularity in only the last few years.  As a relatively new sport, it still lacks some of the features of more mature sports, such as basketball, football, etc.  One of these glaring deficiencies, is the lack of a valid ranking system.  Keep reading to discover the five levels for functional fitness athletes, that cover everyone from the newest beginner to the fittest on earth.  

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Crossfit Strength Programming guide

15 Functional Fitness and Strength Ratios for Elite Performance

We all know the best way to get better at functional fitness is to improve our weaknesses.  In fact, the best designed plans prioritize training, in order to shore up those weaknesses.  Targeting those lagging areas is the difference between a recreational bro, and someone who is serious about improving their fitness.  To do this effectively, you will need some data to point you in the right direction.  Keep reading to discover what these 15 fitness and strength ratios say about your performance, and how they can help you improve your fitness.

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6 Principles of Functional Fitness Programming

I’ll let you in on a little secret.  No one knows how to program for functional fitness.  Even coaches for top athletes will be the first to tell you they don’t have everything figured out.  There are several reasons for this; however, the real reason is functional fitness has not been around long enough to have been well researched by the scientific community.  This leaves us stealing bits and pieces from a variety of sources to help us program workouts, in order to achieve our fitness goals.  Keep reading to learn a simple method that I use to program for my athletes.

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Natural Muscular Limits of the Functional Fitness Athlete

Most people came to the gym because they want to become healthier, look better, and have more self confidence.   Often times they first learn about functional fitness from Youtube, or watching fitness competitions on ESPN.  These top level athletes have amazing physiques, rivaling natural bodybuilders.  This leaves most athletes wondering how muscular they can become.  Keep reading to find out where the sport is heading in terms of natural muscular limits, and the timeframe to achieve that type of development.

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Predicting Maximal Strength of the Functional Athlete

The fitness industry has changed enormously over the last several years.  Initially it started out as a training methodology, and now it has become a popular strength and conditioning sport.  As any athlete knows, it requires huge amounts of work, conditioning, and strength, but just how strong is the top level athlete, and how strong can they become?  Keep reading to find out where the practical strength limits are for both top level athletes and for the above average athlete in the gym.  

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Fitness Supplement Review: Blonyx HMB+Creatine

Normally I’m very skeptical of supplements.  I’ve always felt that many companies are less than scrupulous, and many of their products leave much to be desired.  It was with this in mind that I contacted Blonyx after my review of supplement research indicated that HMB and Creatine were the only supplements that have broad scientific validity.  They were kind enough to send over a sample of their HMB+Creatine product for me to conduct a 30 day self experiment.  Spoiler alert, it works, but not exactly how I thought it would. 

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Functional Fitness Strength Training with Bands and Chains

Anyone experienced in the iron game can tell you that after a certain point, doing the same old thing will stop yielding results.  Most of the time, we then try to change a few details of our training plan, vainly hoping that will put us back on the gainz train.  I’m here to say that isn’t enough.

If you’ve spent some time under the bar, and aren’t making progress, then you need a change.  You need some variable resistance, in the form of bands and chains. Not only do they look badass, they can give you nearly twice the results in the same time period.  Read on, to learn how to implement them into your training plan.  

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Absolute Strength: Stronger Than You Think

If you are reading this article you are stronger than you think.  Most people do not have a realistic understanding of how strong they really are.  This occurs because we can see videos of extraordinary athletes moving mountains of weight as easily as typing “strong dude” into a youtube search bar.  This phenomena is known as the availability heuristic, which means that because of the many instances of seeing something, you assume that it is the norm.  Nothing could be further from the truth, especially when it comes to strength training.  This article will show you how strong you really are compared to novices and elite athletes, using actual data, not broscience.  

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