In the last several years functional fitness has changed from a fringe exercise cult with a puking clown as it’s mascot, to a world wide phenomena and competitive sport televised on ESPN. As it has become more popular, the cream of the fitness community has risen to the top, with a few gyms producing many successful athletes. Crossfit Invictus is one such gym, but what is the secret to their success? This article will break down their programming style, showing you the principles behind their programing and the reasons why they are so successful.
functional fitness
Supplement Review: HMB, Creatine
The first rule of supplements is, don’t take supplements. By definition, they only supplement an already sound diet, which sad to say, doesn’t describe most people. If you do have a good diet and exercise program, and have been consistent with it for more than a few months, then you might consider taking some supplements to enhance your performance. This article will be for those people, and will cover scientifically validated supplements that will enhance your performance as an athlete.
Bodybuilding for the Functional Fitness Athlete
Few things cause as much angst for functional fitness folks than the prospect of bodybuilding. Since it’s inception there has been a natural tension between these two different tribes of gym bro’s. On one hand, bodybuilders couldn’t care less how functional they are as long as someone’s mirin’ on their instagram. Where as functional athletes spend the majority of their time talking about metcons, paleo diets, and rolling their ass’s on pieces of foam. You might think that these two groups have very little in common, but you’d be wrong. This article will cover recent research on increasing muscular size, hypertrophy, and how this applies to us, because lets face it guys, secretly we want to be jacked and functional.
A Fat Loss Plan for Functional Fitness Athletes
The reason you aren’t losing weight isn’t because you can’t, it’s because you won’t. The science behind weight loss is straight forward and it is well known to anyone who knows how to operate google. You must create a caloric deficit to lose weight. So what’s stopping us? We are. We find it easier to keep doing what we are doing, vainly hoping for an easier way to lose weight, a magic pill, a new exercise routine, anything. We do this because we know that dieting is hard, and even harder to do consistently. This article will cover recent research on weight loss, it’s implications for functional fitness and strength athletes, and methods to increase adherence to a simple weight loss plan.
Physiological Factors Affecting Functional Fitness
Functional Fitness has become immensely popular in the last 5 years, with several million participants. The exercise science and research community has been slow to respond to this trend and is just now starting to publish research that examines what factors are related to functional fitness training. In this article, we will look at which factors the exercise science community has traditionally associated with fitness, and what factors matter most for those excelling in functional fitness.
The Workout I Know You Can’t Finish
It’s a good sign that you even clicked on this link. It shows some gumption on your part, but all kidding aside I wouldn’t recommend this protocol for just anyone. You’ll need a high pain tolerance and a fair bit of stubbornness.
The Only Workout Advice You Will Ever Need
Most people overcomplicate the concept of exercising. To be fair, the fitness industry does themselves no favors by pushing questionable gimmicks and fad diets. Does anyone remember this guy?