The competitive season is upon us. You’ve been working hard all year to try and move up the rankings. You’ve carefully tracked your stats, and been very disciplined in your programming, but what kind of program should you do during the open to maximize your fitness for this month long event? Keep reading to see 5 weeks of programming that is specifically tailored to allow you to crush the open WODs, and continue to improve your fitness.
7 Week WOD Competition Program for Functional Fitness
If you have a big functional fitness competition coming up, then you need an awesome WOD competition program. This program is designed to take your … Read more
6 Principles of Functional Fitness Programming
I’ll let you in on a little secret. No one knows how to program for functional fitness. Even coaches for top athletes will be the first to tell you they don’t have everything figured out. There are several reasons for this; however, the real reason is functional fitness has not been around long enough to have been well researched by the scientific community. This leaves us stealing bits and pieces from a variety of sources to help us program workouts, in order to achieve our fitness goals. Keep reading to learn a simple method that I use to program for my athletes.
Fitness Programing: Invictus Analysis
In the last several years functional fitness has changed from a fringe exercise cult with a puking clown as it’s mascot, to a world wide phenomena and competitive sport televised on ESPN. As it has become more popular, the cream of the fitness community has risen to the top, with a few gyms producing many successful athletes. Crossfit Invictus is one such gym, but what is the secret to their success? This article will break down their programming style, showing you the principles behind their programing and the reasons why they are so successful.