3 Best Tools for Self Defense

3 Best Self Defense Tools: No Guns Allowed


There are a lot of articles on this website and the interwebs on how to carry a gun for self defense.  They cover the types of firearms you should buy, gear considerations, and much more.  This isn’t that type of article.  This article will give you the 3 best self defense tools for when you can’t carry a firearm, or if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.  

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Defending Yourself: Robbery, Carjacking, and Use of Force

Most readers of this site regularly carry a firearm, both concealed and when they are on duty.  We also practice regularly with our weapons to keep our skills sharp, but often times we don’t practice the necessary skills that will save our life in a real gunfight.  This article is a tactical analysis of many common instances where we might be called to use our firearms.  There are many commonalities in these situations and a few principles that will allow us to prevail in the fight.

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Ballistics: Three Myths That Can Kill You

Ballistics is the dark mysterious study of bullets in flight.  No subject garners as much anecdotal b.s.  The fact is that much of the data is fairly straight forward and is governed by simple physics.  You guys remember physics class right?  It was taught by the troll looking guy with coke bottle glasses who always smelled like canned soup.

This article will review scientific data for calibers most often used in concealed carry and home defense.  I will show you what these rounds will actually do when they hit cars, walls, and human flesh.  After reading the article, you will have a good idea of what home defense round you should use, what you should and should not shoot, and hopefully, we will have dispelled myths that could put you or your loved ones in danger. 

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