When you ask a gun person if they’d rather shoot a rifle or pistol in a self defense situation, the smart ones will always say rifle. Unfortunately they’d be wrong. The real answer depends on what exactly you plan on using it for and your current skill level. Engagement range will drastically affect these choices as well. Keep reading to find out how to choose the best tool for tactical shooting.
15 Stats Explaining Deadly Errors in Lethal Force Engagements
The shooting and self defense community has a big problem. We can’t hit a damn thing to save our lives! There are any number of contributing factors to this serious problem: lack of practice, unrealistic training, poorly understood psychological and physiological concepts, the list goes on. This article will be an in depth look at the current state of affairs for combat shooting, including the detailed science behind lethal force encounters. As a bonus, there is an included training plan at the very end.
Cool Fire Trainer: 3 Reasons Why It’s the Best Laser Training System
You can’t become a good shooter without practicing dry fire. That’s a fact; however, dry fire has some crucial deficiencies. There is no way to simulate recoil, and there is no way to reset your trigger if you use a double, single action gun. That is until now. The Cool Fire trainer allows you to do all this, using your actual firearm. Keep reading to see what it is, and how you can use it to take your shooting game to the next level.
17 Most Important Gunfight Stats: Backed By Data and Real World Experience
Gunfights are awesome to watch on TV. The good guy wins, and bad guys go flying through the air in a spray of blood. Unfortunately, these types of images we see on the silver screen rarely have much in common with reality. This can lead us as armed professionals, and concerned citizens, to make some critical errors if we ever find ourselves on a two way range. Keep reading to discover the 17 most important gunfight statistics backed by data and real world experience.
Defending Yourself: Robbery, Carjacking, and Use of Force
Most readers of this site regularly carry a firearm, both concealed and when they are on duty. We also practice regularly with our weapons to keep our skills sharp, but often times we don’t practice the necessary skills that will save our life in a real gunfight. This article is a tactical analysis of many common instances where we might be called to use our firearms. There are many commonalities in these situations and a few principles that will allow us to prevail in the fight.
Pattern Recognition and Deadly Force Encounters
The difference between survival and death, in a deadly force encounter, is pattern recognition. I doubt that you have heard this before, but it is a fact, and yet we as self defense minded enthusiasts spend all of our time on the mechanics side of self defense. We practice our draw, our reloads, shooting and moving, and still we’ve left the hardest and most crucial part out of our training plan, practicing when to shoot, not how. This article will discuss how to enhance your ability at pattern recognition, which will drastically increase your abilities when it comes to using deadly force.
Neuroscience, Expert Gunfighters, and the Quiet Eye
Watching an expert shooter is like watching an artist. You may not be able to do it, but you can recognize art when you see it. Thanks to the internet we have an abundance of examples of very good shooters both in the tactical world and on the competition stage, but what defines their expertise? Are they more athletic than us? Do they have better genes? Or is it their $9000 dollar custom guns. The answer is NO, NO and give me their gun so I can find out. The real difference between experts in almost any high skill athletic field is their quiet eye. What’s the quiet eye you say? Keep reading to find out.