Part two is finally here, and you can keep the strength and power gains going. In this portion of the program you can expect even heavier weights, and very high power output WODs. These sessions are intense and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Keep reading if you think this program is right for you.
As the name implies, this is a continuation of the 10 Week Power Building Program (Part 1). I highly recommend that you start with part one. Many athletes will not be used to the intensity or the total program volume that this program entails.
This program is ideal for athletes that are looking to build specific capacity in their high power output energy systems. It is also designed for those that need to build equal parts strength and muscle mass. Because this is the second portion, we will gradually work towards a peak, and setting new personal records in your lifts. Without further ado let’s get into part two!
The 10 Week Functional Power Building Program (Part 2)
This program picks up exactly where part one left off. If you remember, the final week of part one was a deload week. This allowed you to physically recover from the heavy strain from the previous hard weeks of training. In part two we are back to the grind, using even heavier loads with our power lifts, and slightly heavier accessory work.
Week 6 Functional Power Building Program

You can see we’ve increased our intensity relative to one rep max for all of our major lifts. We are now working to 4 TM. Recall that TM means technical max, or the heaviest weight you can lift that day with technically perfect form.
If we use a deadlift as an example, this would be the heaviest weight you could lift without significant back rounding. The goal is to practice moving heavy loads with exceptional form, not grind out shitty reps. I do not expect you to always increase weight in your TM. Somedays you will feel great, and others you won’t. Just give it your best effort that day.
Week 7 Functional Power Building Program

Astute readers will notice that the mass building accessory work in the dark grey boxes is also decreasing in total volume. Because this work is AHAP, or as heavy as possible, you will be expected to lift heavier weights. You need to continue to show progression here as well as your other primary lifts.
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Week 8 Functional Power Building Program

This week increases the weight yet again. Remember we are working to new strength levels so we need to gradually overload your muscles. Keep pushing hard on your max rep sets and your accessory work.
The WODs will continue to compliment the other lifts, and they will be very high power output. They are short and intense. You won’t find any really long chippers, or AMRAPs here!
If you want my most popular muscle building program, then check this ebook out!
Week 9 Functional Power Building Program

This is the final week before our PR week. You should be very close to new one rep maxes, and you should be setting PRs with your max rep sets. Make sure you are warming up thoroughly, and paying attention to your nutrition. Otherwise you run the risk of under recovering, which will sabotage all your hard work up to this point.
Week 10 Functional Power Building Program

The heavens have parted, and it is finally PR time. I always advise my athletes to take many singles to warm up to their new one rep maxes. You really aren’t going to over warm up here.
When you do reach your working weights, you should try no more than 3-4 attempts at a new PR. The first attempt is a small PR, the next attempt is a PR you really want, and the last two are real moonshots, but semi-realistic. Do not try further attempts at PRs, as you run a serious risk of hurting yourself. Don’t be that athlete that wants five more pounds and instead gets five months out of the gym with an injury.
Final Thoughts
If you finish this program then you’ve most likely gained a lot of strength, and some muscle mass as well. You have several options for programming now. If you want to continue to build muscle mass then check out my 52 week muscle mass building program. If you want to work on strength, then you can follow this program.
Ideally I’d recommend that you take a few days off between week 10 and the first week of the new program. Be lazy, eat a little extra food, and then get back into hard training. Remember, it’s not the work that makes you better, it’s the recovery afterwards. Now get out there and start training!
Don’t forget to check out my super popular muscle building program!
The opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity.This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
I’m about to finish my current hipertrophy program (12weeks 8 to 12RM and Oly lifts only on WOD). Excited to get in these Functional BB!
Do you think I need to do some program (strength specialized) in between?
Congrats from Brazil!
Nope I think you’ll be just fine to start this program Luis. Have fun !
Hi Jake, great program! I just finished week 5 and I am about to dive into week 6.
I noticed that that Monday’s WOD calls for 30 power clean and jerk but there no weight indication, is that by design or is it missing?
thank you
I’m glad you like the program Marco. That is a typo on my part. It’s 135/95lbs for the power clean and jerk.
Hi Jake, I’m still grinding on this program and I’m loving it! Week 7 Day 3. the WOD is a 21-15-9 with a 10′ Time Cap?
Thank you!