I hope you’re ready to work hard. Like really hard. This program is designed to build muscle and functional fitness work capacity. This program has been one of my most popular programs for the last several years. To date, over 300,000 people have taken a look at it. If you think this might be right for you, then keep reading.
As with anything in life, you tend to get better at it the longer you do it. As of this writing, I’ve been participating in, and coaching functional fitness athletes for over a decade. In this time I’ve created a lot of effective programs, but even my best programs always have a few things I have to tweak as I go through them. This is exactly what happened with this, The 12 Week Muscular Growth Program for functional fitness athletes.
The Old Muscular Growth Program
Originally this program was built upon a two part program called The 6 Week Muscular Growth Program for Functional Fitness Athletes. Initially, I tested this program with my home gym, and the athletes responded quite well. However, there were a few thing that needed changing.
Changes to The 6 Week Muscular Growth Program
The first thing I changed when creating the 12 Week Muscular Growth Premium Program is the set and rep schemes for the lifts. Originally, I increased reps week over week. This loading scheme isn’t optimal. I found that a more traditional scheme, where athletes decrease reps, and increase weight across weeks yielded the same amount of muscle gain, with increased strength over the original.
Likewise, I made similar changes to some of the microcycles further on in this 12 Week Premium Program. Originally, I used too many paused sets, and tempo work. This made the program hard, but it didn’t allow for increasing weights. That’s all changed.
You’ll still find that I use tempo sets, and pause sets, but they are more appropriate for functional fitness athletes, who want to gain strength, as well as muscle mass.
Lastly, I’ve combined both 6 Week Muscular Growth programs into one coherent plan. It didn’t make sense to charge for only 6 weeks, and then charge the same amount for another 6 weeks of programming. Now you’ll get the whole 12 week program in one shot.
The Differences Between the Premium and Original Program
All of my premium programs are designed to give athletes the same type of time and attention I would normally give to athletes I coach personally. Coaching takes a lot of time away from writing and helping folks on this website, so I’ve created Premium Programs, to get around this issue.
The 12 Week Muscular Growth Premium Program has a lot more guidance on each piece of the daily workout. I include a tailored warm up for the session, as well as coaches notes that cover things like: percentages to use, scaling options, and scores to aim for. Check out this sample.

Each day is broken down in this fashion. You’ll have two lifts, and then a WOD or conditioning session. Each lift is to be done one at a time. They’re no super sets in this program. I’ve found that each day takes around 60-80 minutes. This includes the warm up and cool down, as well as rest between pieces.
This program is designed to be done 5 days per week with one session per day. You could split the session up or modify the schedule if you like, but 5 days per week seems to be the sweet spot.
If this looks like your cup of tea, then pick up your copy below.
Final Thoughts
If you aren’t sure if this program is for you, then feel free to try the original. It’s still a decent program, it just isn’t optimized, and it’s less detailed. If you like to have a more concrete plan then pick up your copy now! As always if you have any comments or questions, put them below, or shoot me an email. Now get out there and start training!
The opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity. This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
Hey! Is it possible to do this program over a 24 week period? I’m a nurse working in the ER, and simply am not able to get enough restitution in between workout when I workout 5-6 days a week.
Best regards!
For sure. Just do the program in the same order. You’ll still make great progress.
Hi Jake,
I am 40 years old. I have completed your competitors program last year and I was able to reach the Quarterfinals in the open this year, thanks to you. I placed around the 50 percentile at the end of Quarterfinals.
I am currently working through your 12 week Premium Muscular growth program and will start Cycle 2 on Monday. I have two questions, if you don’t mind?
1. I am currently maintaining a 16% Body fat at around 2400 Maintenance Calories per day, for the last 8 weeks. I feel my best at around 13-14% Body fat. Would you recommend I use the last 6 weeks of your 12 week program and cut down to 14% Body Fat, or should I rather maintain my diet until the 12 weeks are done, before I cut down, if I even should cut down? (Height – 70″, Weight – 181lbs, Waist – 33,5″).
2. After I have completed the 12 week program, which program would you suggest I follow next. I was thinking of starting the 9 week strength program, or should I rather work more on conditioning first?
Again, thank you for great programming and always responding to our questions. It is highly appreciated!
Thanks for the kind words. I would probably finish the program you’re on and go to the strength program. I’d keep an eye on my body fat while trying to gain as much strength as possible. At this point in the season you have plenty of time to get down to your preferred weight after you gain muscle and strength.
Hi Jake. I’m on the last two weeks of the program, about to start testing and… my box closes. Owner is having a baby and won’t have someone coming to run it until December. The closest box is 5hrs away.
The only gym here is an old style bodybuilder gym looks like it’s out of the 70’s. There’s no bumper plates etc. so oly lifting is out.
How do you think I should approach these next couple of weeks?
My thoughts are to start the 8 week bodybuilding hybrid tomorrow and then do the last two weeks of this program when the box opens back up. I can adapt the WODs fairly easily, but 1RM testing is out. What do you think Jake?
I think that makes sense Pat. You can also sub things like ballistic deadlifts for olympic lifts if needed.