If you’re trying to lose fat then you need some awesome treadmill workouts to help you towards your goals. Research shows that HIIT treadmill running can be one of the most effective methods for losing weight, especially when combined with weight training. In this article I will provide a free PDF that has the 30 best HIIT treadmill workouts for fat loss. Keep reading for more.
If your goal is to lose body fat, then you can’t go wrong with high-intensity interval training. It has so many advantages compared to traditional steady-state cardio. That doesn’t mean you should never do steady state cardio, as it too has certain advantages for athletes trying to improve their aerobic capacity, and overall fitness level.
The vast majority of people reading this article are looking for weight loss as their primary goal. The research is clear that HIIT training is a great way to create a potent fat loss stimulus, with much less time on the treadmill. Don’t believe me, check out this piece of research.
HIIT Treadmill Workouts for Fat Loss (Research)
Long time readers of this website know that I base all of my programs on research and my years of coaching experience. My favorite type of research is a meta-analysis. This is a research review that summarizes the complete body of research on a given topic.
It’s the best way to find out what the science says on any given subject. Wouldn’t you know it, there’s a great research review on HIIT treadmill workouts, and fat loss. Here’s a quick summary.
HIIT significantly reduced total (p = 0.003), abdominal (p = 0.007), and visceral (p = 0.018) fat mass, with no differences between the sexes. A comparison showed that running was more effective than cycling in reducing total and visceral fat mass. High-intensity (above 90% peak heart rate) training was more successful in reducing whole body adiposity, while lower intensities had a greater effect on changes in abdominal and visceral fat mass. Our analysis also indicated that only computed tomography scan or magnetic resonance imaging showed significant abdominal and/or visceral fat-mass loss after HIIT interventions.
Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training on Total, Abdominal and Visceral Fat Mass: A Meta-Analysis
If you’re not a research nerd like me, I’ll translate this into plain English. These researchers found that of the 39 studies they examined, this type of exercise (HIIT workouts) were able to significantly reduce belly fat. Furthermore, they found that running / treadmill HIIT workouts were generally more effective than cycling workouts.
They also found that high-intensity interval training was able to reduce whole body fat more than steady state cardio, which reduces belly fat at a higher rate. Using some common sense, we can determine that to be healthy and lean, we should probably do both types of workouts.
Why Does HIIT Work?
While there are numerous benefits of HIIT, most research indicates that this high intensity level of work increases your overall metabolic rate for several hours after the treadmill workout. This is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). This is a fancy way of saying that your body is working harder after the workout than it otherwise would. EPOC also increases calorie burn in the near term, and is sometimes called the after-burn effect.
As you’ll see in the next section, I’ve included several different types of workouts in the free high intensity interval training PDF. I will include a link to download the 30 best HIIT treadmill workouts for fat loss below. FYI, this is a Dropbox download so you may not be able to download it on some networks. That’s ok, you can see all 30 workouts later on as well.
Now that you have the download, and we’ve seen some research indicating that we should really be doing high-intensity intervals to maximize our fat loss. Let’s take a look at the actual workouts in this next section. However, if you’re looking for a great muscle building program to pair with these HIIT workouts, then check the program out below.
The 30 Best HIIT Treadmill Workouts for Fat Loss Warm Up and Cool Down
It’s important to note that the 30 workouts download only show the actually workouts. Things like notes on incline, or treadmill speed are included as well. I don’t include a warm up or cool down which is what we’ll cover in this section.
Make sure that you do a few minutes of warming up prior to your workout. This doesn’t have to be anything crazy. As you’ll find in most of my premium programs, I always recommend 3-5 minutes of moderate intensity steady state cardio as the first thing you do in the gym.
Because we’re running on a treadmill, this would be something like a brisk walk, transitioning into a comfortable jog. After 3-5 minutes of this you can do a few easy intervals based on the type of workout you’ll be doing in the session. If the workout is incline based, then do some 20-30 sec intervals with similar incline settings.
Moreover, if the workout is speed based, then you should do a few moderately intense warm up intervals at the speed you plan on running. After this you can walk at an easy pace for several minutes to bring your heart rate down. Now you’re ready to begin your workout. Before you do that, don’t forget to join the email list below, so you can get awesome articles like this sent directly to your inbox.
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How to Cool Down After Your Treadmill Workout
Not cooling down is a big mistake, and it will hamper your recovery. This becomes especially important because you’re most likely working out in a caloric deficit, as you lose weight.
If you read my research review on the best recovery techniques, supported by research, you’ll recall that 10min of easy walking at a comfortable pace, or cycling, drastically increased muscle mass, and recovery times for athletes.
Subjectively, you’ll find that you feel much better after your cool down. These high intensity intervals are extremely difficult, and they will build up metabolic by-products that your body has to clear from your muscles. This very easy cool down speeds this clearance up, ultimately enhancing your recovery. Now let’s get to those workouts.
30 HIIT Treadmill Workouts Guidance
Unlike my other workout programs, these workouts aren’t a comprehensive program or fitness routine. They are more of an a la carte option to add in to your strength training, bodybuilding, or fat loss program. As such, I recommend that you start out conservatively.
Add in 1 – 2 workouts per week to your current program. If you read my Peloton Fitness Program, you’ll recall that it’s a good idea to separate your cardio sessions from your weight training by at least 6 hours. If you’re going to do a strength workout and a HIIT treadmill workout in the same day, then I recommend adding in the treadmill work on upper body specific days.
You can add it to lower body days, but it can have some interference with your power output. I’ve done both methods, and I don’t really have a strong preference. They both work. I normally end up pairing running with upper body days as it just feels bit better to me. Check out the 30 workouts below.

As you can see, these higher intensity workouts are difficult. There are a few workouts that are repeated tests. This allows you to see what progress you’re making, and provides you with some motivation.
I want to point out that you need to be careful with some of these workouts. A few of these cardio sessions will have you jumping off and on the treadmill belt, because the rest interval is very short compared to the work intervals. Make sure you’re holding on to the rails while you get your legs up to speed. Pro tip, this will keep you from becoming a meme on the internet.
You’ll also have to be fairly quick with the speed and incline buttons. For example, if you’re doing 60-second sprints at maximum heart rate, it can be difficult to find the right button to slow down to the correct recovery interval speed settings. In this case it might be easier to hop to the side rails and then lower the speed, before hopping back on.
Now that you have some the 30 best treadmill workouts for fat loss, let’s finish this equation by providing you with some great options for the rest of your resistance training program.
Finding Your Best Lifting Program
I’ve been writing programs and workout plans for many years, and I have something for just about everyone. In this section I’ve put together a quick list of my most popular muscle building programs. If you want to see which order I recommend sequencing each workout routine, then check this article out.
- The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
- 4 Day Split Strength Training Program
- 6 Weeks of Muscular Growth for Functional Fitness Athletes Program
- 12 Week Free Bodybuilding Program
- 10 Week Functional Power Building Program
- The 11 Week High Intensity Bodybuilding Program
Some of these programs are designed for functional fitness athletes who want to build muscle, and maintain their conditioning. However, other programs like the 12 Week Free Bodybuilding Program, and 11 Week High Intensity Program are pure muscle building programs. You won’t find a WOD or metcon in sight! Next let’s wrap this article up with a few things you should keep in mind. If you want to try one of my most effective bodybuilding program then check this out.
Final Thoughts
Some of you have probably heard me say this before, but your consistency with any program is the most important function for achieving your goals. You can go super hard for a week, with your nutrition dialed in, and accomplish nothing in the long term if you can’t maintain this level.
I much prefer an athlete who does the big ticket items well, but isn’t perfect. Find a program that matches your fitness goals, and allows you to integrate a couple of these HIIT workouts a week, and you’ll be amazed at the results. Don’t neglect your recovery, or your nutrition either.
Getting ripped is much more about the details outside of the gym, then it is about bodyweight exercises vs free weights, or other minutia. Hard work matters. If you have any comments or questions put them below and I’ll get you an answer. Now get out there and get training!
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