It’s relatively easy to find a plethora of trigger upgrades for full sized Glock models. However, it’s much harder to figure out which is the best Glock 43 trigger upgrade. This article is going to cover some of the best trigger upgrades to your Glock 43, from simple DIY solutions, to more expensive full trigger kits. Keep reading for more.
The Glock 43 has become a very popular pistol for concealed carry. In fact, I did a review of the gun previously, and determined that it’s a great choice for those that like the Glock platform, but want a very compact pistol. There’s a lot of flexibility on parts, magazine extensions, and trigger upgrades. This allows you to personalize your Glock to fit your individual needs.
Why Should You Change Your Glock 43 Trigger?
Let’s be honest, the stock Glock trigger isn’t very good. They’re spongy, and don’t have a very pronounced wall. Moreover, the Glock 43 , compared to large frame Glocks, has a narrower trigger shoe that can bother some shooters. It’s also clear that a lighter pull can help your overall accuracy as well.
To better understand what you’re actually modifying when you buy a trigger kit, you should understand how the trigger mechanism works. Check out this excellent video, which covers the internal functioning of all Glock pistols. You’ll need to understand this to know which parts matter, when determining the best Glock trigger upgrades.
This video shows the functioning of a Glock with OEM parts. As you can see, there are some key pieces in a Glock trigger that really affect the amount of friction in the trigger system. This friction, combined with the springs in the gun, are what most affect the trigger pull weight.
You can modify the springs, but that can cause the gun to malfunction, with things like light primer strikes. That’s the last thing you want. You also don’t want to modify the trigger safety. This leads us to the cheapest, and in some ways, best trigger upgrade, the 25 cent trigger job.
The 25 Cent Glock Trigger Job
This is only for those who feel comfortable detail stripping their Glock. It’s not that hard. Afterall, I managed to do it, and put it back together with no extra parts! The idea behind the 25 cent Glock trigger job, is that you’re trying to reduce the trigger pull weight simply by polishing the parts of the trigger system that contact each other. It sounds simple, but it can result in a lighter trigger pull. Check out this video below on how to do it.
In the video he hand polishes the safety plunger, followed by the the connector. He has an aftermarket connector, which we’ll talk about later on. He then moves on to the trigger bar, polishing those contact points. He finishes the trigger job by polishing the inside ledge of the striker.
Personally, I think this is the best Glock 43 trigger upgrade for those that don’t want to, or are prohibited from installing aftermarket parts on their pistol (military / law enforcement). If you carry a Glock 43 for duty use, then this is your best bet. Next, we’ll discuss the next level of trigger upgrade for the Glock 43
Ghost Edge Trigger Connector for Glock 43
As you saw in the previous video, several companies make trigger components that lower the length of pull, or lighten the weight from a standard trigger. Ghost inc is a mainstay in the Glock trigger market, and of course, they make the great Ghost Edge connector for Glock 43.
This video shows how to install the Ghost Edge trigger connector. He demonstrates on a Glock 42, but it’s the exact same process for the Glock 43, as they’re the same pistol in a different caliber. I should point out that certain connectors have a specific coating on them to reduce friction. In this specific case it wouldn’t be a good idea to polish this coating off, as you’re likely to increase total friction. Make sure you read the product details.
Just like the 25 cent trigger job, simply changing out the connector won’t drastically alter the trigger pull weight. You’ll need a whole new trigger for that. Let’s take a look at a drop in trigger.
Tyrant Designs I.T.T.S Trigger
Tyrant makes some great hardware for Glocks, and their Glock 43 I.T.T.S Trigger is one of the best options if you don’t want any of the complete systems we’ll talk about further on. Their trigger is highly customizable for colors, including the trigger safety. This would be a great choice to combine with the Ghost Connector above, for a truly custom look.

Tyrant has also installed a 30% power spring for very quick trigger resets. They’ve changed to set screws from the stock set pins, which can help when you’re field stripping your pistol. If you want to mix and match components, this is your trigger, as it doesn’t come with anything else apart from the actual trigger.
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CMC Drop In Trigger for Glock 43
If you really want a great flat trigger, then CMC is going to be on the short list. Full trigger systems are your best bet to shorten the overall trigger travel, reset, as well as the trigger pull weight. The CMC Drop in trigger replaces the actual trigger, and the trigger bar.

As of this writing these triggers are back ordered due to high demand. I would recommend checking in occasionally to see if they’re available. These types of trigger systems are a fairly easy installation, but as I mentioned previously, you need to be able to detail strip your gun. Honestly, all Glock owners should know how to do this. It’s not a difficult task.
This type of flat faced trigger can give you a clean break; however, some shooters might find the hook at the bottom of the trigger shoe somewhat annoying. Luckily for us there are certainly more options here, let’s take a look.
Apex Tactical Trigger Kit for Glock 43
The Apex tactical trigger kit is the best Glock 43 trigger upgrade if your looking for enhancements in trigger pull weight, trigger reset, and trigger uptake. The stock trigger measured just over 6 pounds in trigger weight. While this isn’t terrible, it could be a little better. The Apex tactical trigger brought that down to just about 5 pounds.
That doesn’t sound like a big difference, but that’s actually a good trigger pull weight for a concealed carry gun. If you’re carrying a Glock 43, you aren’t doing so because you’re a competitive shooter, and you shouldn’t really be walking around with a 2 pound trigger.
While these very light triggers might be easy to shoot, they are a hazard in a self defense situation. Try not activating a hair trigger if someone bumps your hand, or if you trip in a tactical situation. In my experience 4-5 pound triggers are light enough not to degrade accuracy, but not so sensitive that you’re likely to make life altering mistakes.
Agency Arms Glock 43 Trigger Kit
The Agency Arms trigger kit, is going to be your best Glock 43 trigger upgrade if you want the lightest overall trigger pull weight. As we know, most stock Glock 43 triggers are around 6 pounds. The Agency Arms trigger, came in right around 4.1 pounds on a digital trigger scale. Interestingly enough, the same trigger system installed in a Glock 19 came in only slightly heavier. Check the video out below for more details.
You can see that this is the best aftermarket trigger for specific reasons . Some shooters prefer a flat faced trigger because it can feel lighter, due the mechanical advantage of a longer trigger shoe. I don’t think it really makes a big difference, but if you like the feel, then you should go with it. Live your best life!
Moreover, this is the lightest trigger that you should realistically carry for something you might bet your life on. If you’ve read any of my other gun articles, I generally don’t recommend modifying self defense / home defense firearms. You can do so if you do it correctly, and you adequately test your modifications.
Testing Your Glock 43 Modifications
It should cost you about $300 bucks to properly test your Glock 43 after installing a new trigger. This is shocking, I know. I recommend this standard testing routine that I will go through when considering any new gun for self defense purposes.
First, your gun needs to be able to feed at least 500 rounds of training ammo through it, without malfunction, or maintenance. I normally shoot something like this CCI Blazer 9mm training ammo. It’s pretty cheap, and as of this writing it’s in stock, which is more important.
If you read my article, where I compare 9mm vs 40 caliber rounds you’ll recall that I recommended two hollow point rounds for self defense. One of the best rounds you can carry is the Federal Micro HST 150g 9mm hollow point. Just like any quality product, they aren’t cheap. When they’re in stock, they normally cost around $1.50 per round.
I strongly recommend shooting at least 100 rounds of carry ammo immediately after finishing your 500 rounds of training ammo. Self defense ammo is constructed differently and you need to make sure it feeds well. It’s also important to ensure you can shoot it accurately through your pistol. It doesn’t matter if you have a great hollow point round, if you flinch due to extreme recoil!
Once you’ve completed this test, you can be reasonably confident that your modifications are reliable. This confidence is critical. You don’t want to be questioning whether your gun is going to go bang, when faced with a life or death situation!
Final Thoughts on the Best Glock 43 Trigger Upgrade
To be honest, I’m not much of a trigger snob. I’ve been forced to shoot mil spec, and duty triggers for too long to really care about shaving every pound off of a trigger pull. I do recognize that lighter triggers are generally easier to shoot, and the most accurate guns do have light weight triggers.
When considering the best Glock 43 trigger upgrade, you have to take context into consideration, to choose the right trigger for you. If it’s a duty gun, or you’re hesitant to replace internal parts, then go with the 25 cent trigger job. If you want the ultimate upgrade for your Glock 43 trigger, then I would probably go with the Apex Trigger. It’s the lightest, and changes the dynamics of the trigger pull the most.
However, if you really want to shoot a pistol well, you have to improve your grip strength, which impacts your trigger press. This is a scientific fact. Strong hands shoot better. If you want to improve your overall strength, then you can check out any one of my strength training, or muscle building programs.
If you have any questions about the g43 trigger or comments, put them in the comments section below. Now get out there and get training.
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Hi this is a good article. I only want to change the trigger because the pen trigger is too narrow and irritates my index finger. Which usually grade is the best to correct this problem
Jim. Glock 43x
I’d probably try the Agency arms trigger and see how that treats you.
For the record, that Agency trigger read 4lbs 12.9 OUNCES, not 4.1lbs. This equates to 4.8lbs. Cuz math.