If you want to increase your work capacity and aren’t afraid of hard work, then this is the program for you. While many of my programs focus on building certain aspects of functional fitness like strength, muscle mass, or endurance, this program is focused on getting you as fit as possible in 7 weeks. It’s an even mix of lifting, WODs, and metabolic conditioning, that will have you setting PRs in no time. Keep reading for more.
This program is a premium program based off of my popular 7 Week Competition Prep Program for Functional Fitness. Just like my other premium programs, this version comes with much more information. Let’s quickly cover what changes have been made from the free version to the premium version of the 7 Week Competition Prep Program for Functional Fitness.
Changes to the Premium 7 Week Competition Prep Program
- Additional WODs and metcon sessions have been added to increase fitness
- Goals for each WOD and work requirements have been added
- Coaches notes on execution, and WOD strategy are included as well
- Percentages and rest times for the lifts have been included
- Additional resources such as macro calculators, and recovery programming Included.
By far the biggest change is the additional programming that I’ve added in. Originally, this program was written to be done in a normal gym, in about an hour. Over the years, I’ve found that my competitive athletes actually need a little more work to get in peak condition. This prompted me to included a little extra work each day, ensuring we don’t neglect things like strength, gymnastics capacity, or conditioning. Let’s take a look at a sample session so you can see what I’m talking about.
7 Week Competition Prep Program Session Two
This is the second session of the program, which includes a total of 38 sessions. Each day starts out with some easy monostructural movement (running, rowing, or assault bike) for 3-5 minutes and then the specific warm up. In this case this is warm up L, for lower body dominant days. You then proceed onto the first piece of the session which is deadlifts.

The coaches notes section is designed to give you the same type of advice I give to athletes I would coach in person. There’s nothing ground breaking here. I’m just providing you with some of the experience I’ve gained over the 14+ years of doing functional fitness and coaching.
Get your program below!
The next block, in red, is the main WOD for the day. For this section, I like to include info on how to pace yourself, and give you a goal to shoot for. I find if you can’t workout with someone else, then having a goal to set your sights on can certainly help.
The last block is the additional work that I’ve added to the program. Many of these sessions have specific focuses, and aren’t meant to be done with maximum intensity. For this piece, we are working on building midline strength, in a fatigued state. Now let’s talk about the overall program design.
7 Week Competition Prep Program for Functional Fitness Program Design
This program is done sequentially, which is why each session has a number, not a day. I want you to get through 4-6 sessions per week. You don’t have to do the same amount of work each week. We all know that life gets in the way, but the important thing is that you consistently work at the program, not agonize over taking an extra rest day or not.
As I stated earlier, this program is 38 total sessions, which should work out to 7 weeks plus a deload, towards the end. It’s designed to put you through the most stress around week 5, and then you will gradually back off the volume as you approach the end.
I ran the original free version of this program with my gym, and they had great success during the Open. I expect that this version, with the additional work, will allow hard working athletes even more improvement.
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Final Thoughts
If you are looking to get in to peak shape, in a relatively short period of time, then this is the program for you. It’s designed so most athletes should be able to do it. I’ve included scaling options on harder movements as well. If you don’t know whether you need the premium version or not then I would recommend trying it for free, and if you find you want a little more work, or guidance on the workouts, then pick up the premium version. Now get out there and get training!
Last chance to get your roadmap to peak functional fitness!
Get the ProgramThe opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity.This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
As a female crossfit athlete can I still use this program?
One hundred percent. I originally developed the core of the program for my home gym which has male and female athletes. Hope you enjoy it!
This looks like a really good program! Recently got into Crossfit at the beginning of the year and always trying to find ways to improve and just add a little more to a more consistent basis to start to push farther forward and get back into the competing sphere!
I hope you like it! Let us know how it goes.