If you’re anything like me, you started functional fitness to get in killer shape, add some muscle, and feel better. It’s no secret that I’ve published a ton of free programs on this site, and I continue to do so. I’ve also received a lot of requests for custom programs from athletes around the world. Unfortunately, I cannot coach everyone. Instead, I’ve decided to offer premium programming with all the details I normally provide for my athletes, at a tenth the price of a custom program.
My goal is to create premium programs out of my most popular free programs so athletes can get the details they want, and more concrete coaching advice. I’ve included things like percentage of one rep max, lifting cues, as well as diet and nutrition advice, specific to the program.
The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Premium Program is the first part of an 8 week program designed to promote hypertrophy (increased muscle mass), while maintaining your metabolic conditioning, and ability to kick ass in WODs.
This program is ideal for intermediate athletes (6 months plus experience) that have plateaued. Remember, muscle mass is a key precursor to functional fitness performance and overall strength. Check out an example page for the premium program, so you can see exactly what you’re getting.

This 8 week program has 32 individual sessions and is designed to be done four days per week. It is fairly high volume, which is necessary to build muscle mass. Here is an example chart, from the premium program, that compares overall lifting volume in this program to a traditional bodybuilding program.

The best thing about this program is that I’ve left much of it free, so you can actually try the program out to see if you like it. Check out this article for The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program. I’ve also included links to my nutrition calculators, and favorite methods to enhance recovery.
How Much Muscle Mass Can You Gain?
The correct answer is that it’s impossible to say exactly. We do; however, have some excellent research indicating that if you have 14 inch arms and want to have 15 inch arms, you will need to increase your arm size by 6.7%.
Assuming you are training your triceps and biceps, and they respond at the same .20% increase in CSA each day, it would take you a minimum of 34 training days. Wouldn’t you know it, this is almost the exact amount of training sessions in this program. Funny how that works.
I’m not guaranteeing that you can achieve these results, as these numbers are averages, based off of numerous research studies. As we all know, an average means that many athletes will achieve better results, and just as many will be below average.
I can tell you from personal experience that nearly anyone can gain muscle mass on this program, provided they are consistent, and they use the resources I mention in the premium program.
If you want all the details, then pick up your copy of my premium program below.
If you’re still uncertain, then start the program for free, and then grab your copy if you like your results. Now get out there and start training!
The opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity. This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
Are parts two and three in the book as well? I’m interested in buying, but have completed the first 8 weeks.
Hey Jake! Just wondering before i hit that buy button:
1. Will this be a series as your hybrid series (8wx3), as in $ x 3?
2. How much volume is there for the big three? (Chest/legs/back?
Yep this is my hybrid series. The big differences are the specified warm ups, and the coaches notes for each portion. Most muscle groups are worked pretty hard twice per week with pure lifting, and additionally in the WOD. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Hey jake. Kind of hard question to answer and I’d say I’m on the low end of being an intermediate athlete. I love doing CrossFit but at a point now where I just want to be a great well rounded athlete (hopefully still do CrossFit). I’m wondering where you think I should start? Should I start with this program? To be honest 72 weeks of programming has caught my eye. And I see this program in the 72 week one further down. Just picking your brain. Thanks awesome site
Landon I think that depends on your specific goals and what is currently holding you back. The 72 week one is a general functional fitness program and it will deliver well rounded results. If thats what you’re looking for then I would definitely start there. This program is for those that want to build muscle mass and maintain their current METCON ability. If you feel like muscle mass and strength is holding you back then give this a shot, if you think you need a well rounded program then go with the 72 weeks. Good Luck!
Thanks man one last thing. After every program on the 72 week program do you recommend taking it easy for a week where maybe all I do I focus more on mobility/core and a little bit of endurance take it more easy on the lifting and such
I would also say my strength is ahead of my metabolic conditioning right now so that 72 week program I feel will be good. Will have to see if a few months down the road if I can do the competitor program but excited for the challenge
Hi Jake,
Im werry intrested to buy this, however do you have alternating exercises for typical crossfit exercises like Muscle-up/ Dubble unders/ HSPU, included?… all those exercises newer atleats do not have skillz for yet 🙂
Hi Anders. I like to sub pull ups for muscle ups, normally two pull ups to one muscle up. HSPU can be any moderately heavy press. Burpees for double unders. Hope that helps.
Just quick question… lunges…if workout calls for 3×14. Is that 14 each leg or 14 total? Thanks
Kevin, Thats going to be 14 each leg. Don’t hate me.
Lol I don’t. I assumed it was that and that’s what I’ve been doing. Thanks. Just wanted to double check
Hey Jake, I’ve read and may have missed it but are the grouped exercises supposed be done as a superset?
Nope. Just do them sequentially. No supersets unless I specifically spell that out.
How much rest between sets?
Hi I’m not understanding sorry is this a circuit or rounds or is it a superset
The standard weight lifting moves are just sets and reps, and not a circuit. The WOD is a circuit for max speed, reps, or as fast as possible. Safely of course.
Hi Jake,
Looking forward to get into this, I’ll get the premium one for sure. I enjoy having the warmup wods and coaching notes, they make a big difference.
Do you think it would be ok to sneak in a couple of light runs/recovery WOD and maybe some gymnastics work on two of the off days? I work from home and need to get out and do something active otherwise I’ll go nuts sitting around the house all day.
This is a a lot of volume Patrick, I would say that you should try the program for a week or two first with no modifications. If you want to add in some extra work you can do so at that point. Enjoy!
Thanks Jake. Yes I can imagine doing too much extra work will eat into the recovery budget. Thanks.
Do you think this program is a good follow on from your 12 week muscle builder, both used for fat loss?
Yep I think this is a great follow on to the 12 week program. Have fun!
Thanks Jake. I started the program today. That was awesome, felt great!
One question. Do you normally add the warm up WOD to the activity calculator?
You can. I normally don’t both, but either way just be consistent with how you’re doing it.