This is the perfect program for people that love functional fitness, and also like having trouble fitting through doors. It builds off of part one, and ratchets up the intensity, and difficulty to all new levels. Keep reading to see if this muscle building program is right for you.
I’m not going to beat around the bush. This is one of my highest volume programs, and it is hard. This program is five days per week, with a lot of lifting volume. I highly recommend starting with part one of the functional bodybuilding hybrid program. It’s four days per week, and will really prepare you for this program.
If you’ve finished that program, or are already accustomed to high volume training, then feel free to start this program.
What’s in the Premium Program?
The premium version of this program will include all weeks of programming. Each day is broken down with a specific warm up, that changes depending on the type of session you will be completing.
You will have coaches notes that spell out what you should be doing in exact detail. I’ve also included the percentages you should shoot for in the barbell lifts. You’ll also have key details, such as how long transitions should take, and reasonable performance goals for the WODs. Check out the example session below.

I’ve tried to include all the information I give to the athletes that I coach, or that I write custom programs for. Rather than charge you hundreds of dollars for private coaching, I’ve included these types of details for one tenth the price. As you can see, the coach’s notes are quite detailed and they give you a solid understanding of what you should be doing.
If you pick up this program, you will also have access to my proprietary nutrition calculator which automatically calculates session calories, and recommends the macronutrient splits you need to gain muscle.
Part two is a total of 40 sessions, with two deload weeks, scheduled on weeks 3 and 7. Trust me after three hard weeks of training, you’ll need a reduction in volume!
If this sounds like what you’ve been looking for, then pick up your copy here.
If you’re still on the fence then you can still try several weeks of this program for free. Click on this link to go to the non premium version of the 8 Week Hybrid Bodybuilding Program for Functional Fitness (Part 2). If you like your gains, then you can always pick up the premium version when you’re ready. Now get out there and start training!
The opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity. This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
Are all the workouts in the ebook ? Thanks in advance sir.
Yep all workouts for this program appear in the ebook.
Hi Jake!
Just finished part one of the bodybuilding hybrid program and started part 2.
Have a question for the drop sets for bench and front squat:
The program says 2*10, 2*8 and 2*6. Should I complete the 2 sets of 10s before moving on to the 2 sets of 8 or should I do 1 set of 10, 1 set of 8 and so on?
Love the program and I’m getting bigger!
Best regards from Denmark
Do the 2 x 10, then 2×8 and so on. Good luck!