It’s clear that the best exercise bike to lose weight, is the one you’ll actually use. If you enjoy the piece of equipment, then you’re much more likely to use it regularly. This inevitably leads to fitness increases, and weight loss. In this article I’m going to cover one of my favorite methods to use an exercise bike to lose weight, hooking it to a video game! If you’re a competitive person, or get bored easily, then you’ll want to see just how you can play video games with an app called Zwift. Keep reading for more.
Doing cardio can be a chore if you limit yourself to traditional cardio choices in the gym. How often do you see droves of people, in the cardio section of your local gym, trudging along on a treadmill or stationary bike, barely getting anything accomplished? I’m not bashing their abilities or desire, I’m just pointing out that it doesn’t look like they’re enjoying themselves, and it’s notoriously hard to do something that you don’t enjoy. Don’t worry, Zwift has entered the chat.
Zwift is an online game that allows you to run and use your bicycle to exercise with others around the world. It became extremely popular during the Pandemic, as millions of people were forced to stay indoors. The best thing about Zwift is that it’s extremely flexible. I also love that you can do it during bad weather!
It can be used for running, and for cycling, but the cycling aspects of the game are much more popular. You can simply ride around one of the many worlds on your own, or you can complete various challenges. You can race against other Zwifters from around the globe, or use some of the built in training plans to take your fitness to the next level.
I’ve used Zwift for about a month now, and I absolutely love it. It’s my go to option for cardio these days, for several reasons. First, you can use a bicycle you already own, pairing it with a smart trainer. This limits purchases of other more expensive equipment. If you’re truly dedicated, you can purchase a stand alone exercise bike that will work with Zwift, but that’s more expensive. Here’s a quick overview video of Zwift.
That should cover the basics of Zwift, but I can tell you there are tons of different activities to complete in the game. Before we discuss finding your best exercise bike to lose weight, and Zwift setup, I want to review some weight loss research, so you can see what the science says you should be doing to lose weight.
Weight Loss Research
Losing body fat is the type of challenge that is easy to say and hard to do. In fact, most research indicates that athletes aren’t encountering problems finding a diet or fitness program. They have trouble adhering to the program they’re using!
In this meta-analysis of 27 weight loss studies the researchers found that only 60% of the participants were able to maintain their adherence to a weight loss program. Furthermore, they found that programs that included social support had an increased adherence rate.
That, my friends, is exactly what Zwift does. It’s a massive social support game that allows you to compete, and interact with others. If you’ve ever run a 5k race, or participated in a fitness competition, you know that you put out way more effort with others around, compared to when you’re by yourself. Zwift is a great way to leverage social support to lose more body fat!
Just because this article is focused on losing fat with cycling, doesn’t mean that that’s all we need to consider. In fact, most athletes I’ve trained want to be lean, and have a healthy body that looks good as well. To do that you need to build some muscle mass. Before we get any further, don’t forget to join the email list below. That way you won’t miss any more articles !
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Building Muscle Mass with Cycling and Lifting
Combining cardio and strength training is called concurrent training in the exercise science field. For years many coaches and researchers thought that combining these two types of training would blunt your bodies’ ability to adapt to either. As it turns out that’s not exactly true.
In a recent research article, researchers examined this very question, and came away with a somewhat contrary conclusion. Here’s a quick summary of their findings for doing cardio and building muscle mass (hypertrophy).
In response to acute concurrent exercise, various lines of evidence suggest blunted hypertrophic potential compared to resistance exercise alone, but the concurrent training data in humans do not fully support this notion.
Aerobic exercise training alone can induce hypertrophy, and concurrent exercise training may augment the hypertrophic response to resistance exercise training in some circumstances.
Maximal hypertrophic potential with concurrent exercise training may be achieved by (1) separating exercise bouts by 6–24 h, (2) adopting strategies that minimize overall exercise volume (i.e., utilizing high-intensity intervals, 2–3 days of aerobic exercise, and B2 days of leg lifting), and (3) favoring cycling as opposed to running.
Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy with Concurrent Exercise Training: Contrary Evidence for an Interference Effect
To be truly fit you need to have cardiovascular fitness and muscle mass. As more research is conducted, it seems clear that concurrent training is ideal for losing body weight, and for increasing muscle mass, provided you go about it in a sensible way.
In my own training, and in many of my functional fitness programs, I find that separating hard lower body sessions from hard cardio sessions is the key factor to avoid interference. Similarly, I find cycling to be a great cardio method to pair with strength training.
For the last several months I’ve been cycling regularly, averaging between 50-100 miles per week, and I’ve found no detriment to my overall strength or muscle mass. Anecdotally, I’ve noticed that my knees feel better squatting than they have in a few years. I believe it’s the increased blood flow to my lower body, which has helped to repair the minor joint pain I’ve accumulated.
I’ve also found that cycling is very easy to recover from. Even an easy jog is going to cause an increased need for muscle repair, due to the impacts of landing for each step. Cycling is non-weight bearing, which means that impact isn’t an issue. Ultimately, this allows you to work harder in weight room, and on the indoor bike, increasing your chances of building the physique you’re looking for.
Now that you’re all convinced that you need to start cycling, we’ll cover your options for doing so on Zwift. As you’ll see, you can start for relatively little money, or you can go absolutely crazy, if you hate your bank account. After we talk about the hardware, and getting set up, we’ll review some great weight loss programs, and nutritional resources, towards the end of the article. If you want to try my most popular program that you can use to build muscle then check this out.
As you’ll see you do need some basic equipment, but you can get most of what you really need for a few hundred bucks. Now let’s talk about the best exercise bike to lose weight, Zwift edition.
The Best Exercise Bike to Lose Weight: Zwift Setups
One of the other benefits of using Zwift is that you can use a regular road bike, with a smart trainer. In my mind this is better because you can actually ride your bike outside, in the non-electric world, and use it online as well. Similarly, you can purchase a dedicated exercise bike that you can hook to Zwift.
Using your regular road bike saves you time, as you don’t have to worry about an adjustable seat, or adjustable handlebars. It’s your bike, and it doesn’t need to be modified to use with Zwift.
If you read my previous article on using a Peloton spin bike for weight loss, you’ll be glad to know that you can actually hook a Peloton up to Zwift. It take a little technical know how, but it makes a great integrated setup. You can read more about that process here. If you’re into spin bikes, and like the Peloton, then you should definitely hook it up to Zwift. Let’s go through the minimum equipment you need for a basic Zwift setup.
Zwift Requirements
- Zwift Subscription (Free Trial, then $14.99 USD monthly subscription)
- Bike
- Computer / PC / Mac / Phone
- Trainer
- Heart Rate Monitor (Optional)
If you’re reading this article, chances are you already have what you need to run the Zwift app. If you already have a bike, then you’re definitely a head of the game. If you don’t have a bike I recommend looking around on ebay for a great used option. The only real expenditure you need to find the best exercise bike to lose weight is the trainer.
Your Basic Zwift Set Up
All you need for Zwift is an exercise bike that can transmit your power / speed data to the game. You’ll also need a phone, or computer that can run the software. If you’re using a regular road bike, then you will need to purchase a a wheel on trainer, with a power sensor, like this Garmin Tac X Flow Smart trainer below (Amazon Affiliate link).

You can use this setup to directly connect to your phone, PC, or Ipad, and get started with the game immediately. This trainer has the added benefit of being a smart trainer, which means it will change the levels of resistance automatically, as you ride up and down hills, simulating the feel of the real world. Because this is a common trainer, Zwift supports it, and it should be a breeze to connect.
This is a great choice for those who aren’t sure if this is really the best exercise bike to lose weight, but want maximum value at this price point. Now let’s talk about an intermediate set up.
Intermediate Zwift Set Ups
At the intermediate level, you’re looking at a direct driver smart trainer. These trainers replace the rear wheel converting your bike into an indoor cycling bike. If you plan on doing more serious Zwifting, or racing on Zwift, then you’ll want a direct driver trainer, like the Zwift Hub product below.

Unlike the wheel on trainer, which can only handle 800 watts of power, this baby can handle 1800 watts of power. I know that seems like I’m speaking voodoo, but if you already do some lower body leg training, then you can most likely put out more than 800 watts of power, for a short time. You don’t want to lose a race because your trainer can’t read that high!
This is also the trainer I’ve been using for the last month, and I really enjoy it. It’s simple to set up, and it reliably finds all my devices. It’s also a quiet ride, and is a great option for home use. My only request would be a little wider support legs, as I’m not a skinny cyclist, and when I start sprinting, I can get moving from side to side!
At this level you’ll also probably want to invest in a basic heart rate monitor like this Garmin version (Amazon Affiliate Link). If you have a smart watch like my favorite Garmin Epix 2, or something similar, it can broadcast heart rate data via bluetooth connectivity. However, you’ll find it will likely interfere with other signals your trainer is receiving and broadcasting. This heart rate monitor avoids that issue.
If you want a very challenging bodybuilding style program to pair with your Zwift workouts, then check this out.
I’m warning you to brace yourself. The best exercise bike for weight loss, advanced version, is quite expensive. If I were you, I wouldn’t even bother with this setup until you’ve been doing Zwift for a year or more.
Advanced Zwift Setup
At this level you’re most likely using a dedicated stationary exercise bike. These start right under $2000 and go up to $4000 plus. The best value for your money is going to be the Stages SB20 bike. This thing is a tank and comes in around $1800. Unlike an airbike that uses air resistance, this bike uses different levels of magnetic resistance to brake the flywheel. This resistance is selected automatically to simulate a real world ride.

It’s incredibly adjustable, and will even allow you to put your own handlebars on there as well. Stages got their start making smart bikes, for large spin classes. This is great because those bikes can be used and abused. Anything that stands up to that abuse should work for normal folks like you and me. Now let’s review a few accessories you’re going to want to get set up for Zwifting.
Zwift Accessories
The first thing any Zwifter needs is a good fan. Unlike the real world, you don’t get any airflow from actually moving, which can get quite hot. I recommend something like this squirrel cage fan (Amazon Affiliate Link). It’s compact and can generate a lot of air flow.
Depending on your personal set up, you’ll probably find that a larger screen makes riding on Zwift more enjoyable. If you plan on racing, it’s a definite must. I like to hook mine up to a projector, which is a good option if you have a darkish space to ride in. If you don’t have that space, a small to medium sized TV can do quite well (Amazon Affiliate Link).
Lastly you’ll probably want a table or something to set drinks, or your computer on. In fact you might consider a movable TV stand with shelves like this (Amazon Affiliate Link). This is an awesome option for those with limited space (like your living room), as you can move your whole setup out of the way. Next let’s talk about all the activities you can do in Zwift, that truly make it the best exercise bike to lose weight.
Zwift Activities
This is one of the strongest parts of Zwift. Every athlete is a little different, with different motivations. Some athletes, like myself are competitive by nature, and really get a kick out of racing against other people. The great thing about this is that Zwift racing is split between four categories, based on your current fitness level. These fitness levels allow you to race against people of your own ability, and it gives you a goal to improve towards.
For those that are less competitive, but still want to do group activities, Zwift still has you covered. There are various group rides, and group classes that you can do as well. These classes could be considered live classes, but you don’t actually see real people like a Peloton Bike class. These classes range from easy recovery rides, to killer high-intensity interval training workouts.
For those that just want to do their own thing, you can always do an individual workout, or select just ride, and explore around the various worlds of Zwift. You really are only limited by your imagination.
Initially, I started with some of the solo activities to get my bearings with the app, and I quickly moved to racing. I try to race at least 2 times per week, with some easy rides thrown in between those hard sessions. I use the Zwift Companion App, to find these races, and other activities but you can do so from the home screen in the game as well.
Now let’s talk about finding a good fitness program that you can pair with Zwift to really turbo charge your fat loss.
Finding Your Best Workout Program
Every athlete has different fitness goals. If you want to lose weight, and maintain, or even build some muscle mass, then you need a program. You can have the best exercise bike to lose weight, but that won’t help if you don’t have a clue what to do in the gym! Don’t worry I’ve got you covered. I’ve been writing full body workout programs on this website for years now, and I have something for just about everyone. Check out some of my more popular programs below.
- The 8 Week Functional Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
- 12 Week Functional Fitness Weight Loss Program
- 6 Weeks of Muscular Growth for Functional Fitness Athletes Program
- 12 Week Free Bodybuilding Program
- 10 Week Functional Power Building Program
- The 11 Week High Intensity Bodybuilding Program
Some of these programs are designed for functional fitness athletes who want to build lower and upper body muscle, while maintaining their conditioning. However, other programs like the 12 Week Free Bodybuilding Program, and 11 Week High Intensity Program are pure muscle building programs. You won’t find a WOD or metcon in sight! Now let’s talk about some simple nutrition advice that can get you headed in the right direction.
Nutrition Planning for Weight Loss
This is where most athletes mess up when trying to lose weight. Calorie intake and calorie burn are key components of losing weight. You should ask yourself why you bother recording the weights you lift, or the times for your WODs, and yet you spend no time planning and recording your food intake. Putting together a nutrition plan for fat loss isn’t complicated, in fact you can read all about it here.
The Functional Fitness Nutrition Calculator
The first step for determining your nutrition plan, is to put your information into the nutrition calculator. Check out the read me tab, and then navigate through the various tabs, until you get to the fat loss nutrition tab. Once you input all of your information into red sections it will calculate your energy requirements.
I want to emphasize that this is a best guess, that will be broadly applicable to most athletes. If you find yourself doing well with a little less or more of a certain macronutrient then that’s fine. Your macro split is a starting point that should be pretty accurate. You will need to experiment slightly for best results.
In the fat loss tab, it will auto calculate the 500 calorie deficit for men, and 300 calorie deficit for women. It will also give you recommendations for training days and non training days. You want to start out with as small of a deficit as possible, and only increase if your weight loss stalls. Do not go maverick on me, and start off with a 1,000 cal deficit. This is a recipe for failure.
I recommend tracking your daily weigh-ins in MyFitnessPal, and your weekly body composition checks in the spreadsheet. The app is just a little easier, and the spreadsheet is good at showing you overall progress.
Food Choices
When we are talking about weight loss, food choice does matter. However, it matters less than many people think. The caloric deficit is the primary nutritional goal we are trying to create. We need to consider how to do this while making sure we are eating a healthy diet of nutritious food. After all, we could just eat meal replacement bars, but that wouldn’t be very healthy, nor would it be appealing. Check out this list of healthy foods I’ve created. It’s broken down by macronutrient.

Obviously, this isn’t a complete list of everything you can eat. I compiled this list to give you a good idea of the types of foods that are the most nutritious in each category. It’s ok to eat food not on the list, but if you find a large portion of your food is processed (meaning something was done to make it) then you should aim to include more foods from the list. As you will see, there are some amazing dishes you can create with this food list.
One of the easiest methods of staving off hunger pangs is to eat more whole foods, that are less calorically dense. For example you could eat a whole potato, or one slice of potato bread. Potato bread is processed with other ingredients, and has a fair amount of calories per slice. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather eat a whole potato than one slice of bread.
If you do want to eat bread, then try to find lower calorie bread. Most stores sell it, and it makes toast just as well as high calorie bread. The point is that you need to read food labels and pay attention to what MyFitnessPal is telling you to make sure you are staying on plan.
Finding High Quality Meals
I personally struggle with this piece of dieting the most. I’m not a particularly good cook, and my meals have been known to be less than savory. The good news is that there are several websites, that I will link to below, that can help you prepare healthy high protein meals.
Some of these meals are going to require a fair amount of prep time; however, many of them are very easy to cook and can be saved as left overs. Some athletes prefer to do all of their cooking once or twice a week, and others like to cook almost every night. You’ll have to do a little trial and error to make sure that you have nutritious meals available.
This doesn’t mean that you always have to cook meals like this. You can have something simple like a Quest bar, protein shake, or hard boiled eggs, and some fruit. It doesn’t really matter what you eat as long you are eating mainly unprocessed foods, and hitting your energy requirements.
Using MyFitnessPal
This is one of the best tools you can use to achieve your weight loss goals and fitness goals. I’ve written a whole article on how to use MyFitnessPal, so make sure you read it. I find it easiest to figure out a meal I want to eat and then I put the serving sizes in, determining how much food I’m allowed to eat for the meal. You can also scan barcodes on items, and it will often be able to find exactly what you are eating.
I will also input the type of exercise I did and use the info from the activity calculator to track my energy expenditure more accurately. You can use data from a smart watch if you wear one of those as well. The main point of this tool is to make sure that you are eating the amount you should be.
If you want to learn even more info about functional fitness, then check out this ebook. This has been a long article, so let’s review some key points for your weight loss journey.
Final Thoughts
I think it’s clear by this point that I’m a big fan of Zwift. It’s incredibly effective at promoting your adherence to an exercise program, and it’s just plain fun. There are a variety of activities you can do, and it’s a great addition to any home gym or fitness routine.
Remember that weight loss is just as much about the time you spend in the kitchen, as it is about your exercise program. Make sure to eat reasonably, aiming to get close to your caloric, and macronutrient goals from the calculator. This shouldn’t be much of a problem if you eat food from the list provided.
If you consistently do a good job with your nutrition and exercise you will achieve your goals. Don’t stress about the details, just make sure to work diligently, and you’ll achieve your ideal body in no time. Now get out there and get training!
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