This is a continuation of our home WOD program series. As the title implies, this program requires no equipment to get a great workout in. It is heavy on hard calisthenics work, as well as some of my favorite conditioning intervals. Just because you may not have access to a full gym, doesn’t mean you are getting an easy program, as you will see!
Part two of the Home WOD Program continues to build upon the progress you’ve made in the previous two weeks. If you haven’t seen it, I would highly recommend checking out part one of the Home WOD Program.
As I stated in the earlier article, this program doesn’t require equipment, but it can be made harder if you possess a modicum of equipment. I have included several movements with a backpack in part two. I’ve found that most folks have a back pack lying around, and you can easily load 30-40 lbs in there, which drastically changes the difficulty of these WODs.
If you really want to put a heavy load in a backpack, then you’ll probably want to use a hiking style backpack, with an internal frame. You can use a regular book bag, but it is going to be less sturdy, and harder on the shoulders. I would recommend something like this (Amazon Affiliate Link).
It has over a thousand positive reviews on Amazon, and it can get to your door quickly. Plus it won’t break the bank. Remember, you don’t need this, but it can be useful. Now that we have the preliminary details out of the way, we can get to the download, and the program
The Home WOD Program (Part 2)
Part two starts with session 13, or the third week of the overall program. The download includes the first two weeks for reference. You can see that we’ve added some difficulty and intensity to the program, both in the conditioning pieces, and the WODs as well.

Session 13 is going to be a nightmare for those who don’t like to run, which is exactly why you should give it a shot. The first couple of rounds are no biggie, but after four or five intervals it gets very spicy. I strongly recommend a thorough running warm up before starting this session.
This week really emphasizes your shoulder and chest pressing strength, as those are both movements that many athletes need work on, and they can easily be trained at home.
The last session of the week is an easier conditioning session, at moderate pacing. You can pick the modality of your choice, but I recommend picking the type you need the most work in. If you don’t have any equipment, you can always go for a nice jog!
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Week 2
In this week, we add more volume and continue to hammer things like handstand push ups. You can also see that we are adding more backpack work into our movements.

If you have some kettlebells or dumbbells, you can add those in. I would recommend adding them in as extra strength work before the programmed WOD. The best rule of thumb, when adding on to an existing program, is to pair like movements with like movements.
An example of this would be session 20. Here, I would warm up, perform the hand stand push ups and the last max push up set. I would then take 3-5 minutes rest, and then do some dumbbell pressing. I’d then give it another 5-10 minutes before starting the WOD.
If you want to learn even more about programming solid workouts, then check out my ebook!
Final Thoughts
I know it can be hard working out from home. Even those lucky enough to have a home gym still have a hard time being consistent and working hard. I recommend finding a workout buddy and doing this program together. You don’t have to do it at the same time of day, but you need to hold each other accountable. Something simple like exchanging scores will keep you motivated to workout.
Years ago, I heard a great piece of advice from an olympic lifter, and I’d like to share that with you now. As an athlete you will have highs, and lows, injuries, and success, but a true athlete does what they can. If you can only move your pinky finger, and the rest of your body is in a cast, then move your damn finger!
Being stuck at home, or not having every piece of gym equipment is no reason to slack off. Now get out there and start training!
If you’re done with this, then move onto part 3 of the Home WOD Program.
The opinions and information expressed in this article are solely those of the author and are not affiliated with any corporation, group, public or private entity.This web site is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by Crossfit Inc. All product and company names are the registered trademarks of their original owners. The use of any trade name or trademark is for identification and reference purposes only and does not imply any association with the trademark holder of their product brand.
Hey there!
I tried downloading the Home WOD Program (part 2), but it pulls up Dropbox and then a message that says the IP address cannot be reached. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
That can happen. Some computers/ phones block drop box downloads. You might try using this link on a different device if able. Let me know if it doesn’t work. I”ll make sure you get a copy.
What is the link for the backpack you recommended? I can’t get it to pull up on this page. Thanks!
Just find any cheap hiking backpack on Amazon. All you need is something with a waist strap.